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'Drama' (Channel 20) not decrypting

Oddly, the top level folder options shows Enable Auto shrink and Enable Auto Decrypt are greyed out rather than the recursive variant I would have set it up to use. There are not the disable options I was expecting.

Remoting in I can see that the flags in the Video folder are .autoshrinkR and .autosdecryptR. I have deleted them on my main box (HDR1) to stop the processes until fixed.

BTW. HDR1 now has a Virtual Disk appeared unexpectedly under the blue button. Edit. Have now concluded this is due to package installed as part of beta program.
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HDR1 now has a Virtual Disk appeared unexpectedly under the blue button. Edit. Have now concluded this is due to package installed as part of beta program.
I think this is something to do with xyz321's updating of ntfs-3g.
Oddly, the top level folder options shows Enable Auto shrink and Enable Auto Decrypt are greyed out rather than the recursive variant I would have set it up to use. There are not the disable options I was expecting.
I was also initially confused by this. However they act like a toggle switch. Try clicking on the Recursive auto-decrypt/shrink and the relevant icon will be displayed or removed next to the folder name.
I have the same problem with the decrypt flag being reset after a manual decrypt. I stopped auto-processing by setting a time period when it should not run, manually decrypted a program recorded from Drama and then restarted auto-processing to run overnight. I then checked the program this morning and discovered that the decrypt flag was unset so manually decrypted it again.
Looking at the auto-processing log for this program it seemed to skip the decrypt step (based on the log timestamps) and went on to run shrink followed later by decrypt which said the program was already decrypted.
After I ran the second manual decrypt the log shows that auto-processing ran detectads which completed with detection length error (probably unconnected with the problem under discussion). This last step did not unset the decrypt flag.
A second program from Drama that I manually decrypted while auto-processing was stopped followed the same path when auto-processing was restarted with shrink being run first then attempting to decrypt the file which failed saying that it couldn't access the .TS file. In both cases there was a long gap between the shrink and decrypt phases (about 4 hours with no other processing taking place).
I've also noticed that if I don't delete the .original file folder after running the manual decrypt, auto-processing attempts to process that file as well. Should it bypass these files as they have already been processed manually?
Further to my note regarding detectads failing during auto-processing I ran it manually on one of the Drama programs and got the following:

10:43:39 - DETECTADS: /media/My Video/Silent Witness_20170806_2100.ts
10:43:39 - adDetect pids 3272 3274
10:43:39 - Initial bookmarks:
10:43:39 - debug@Threshold=-70.0, MinQuiet=0.20, MinDetect=5.0, MinLength=60.0, MaxSep=70.0, Pad=0.00
10:43:39 - debug@Frame rate is 25.00, Detecting silences below 679094 that last for at least 5 frames
10:43:39 - debug@Clusters are composed of a minimum of 5 silences closer than 1750 frames and must be
10:43:39 - debug@longer than 1500 frames in total. Cuts will be padded by 0 frames
10:43:39 - debug@< preroll, > postroll, - advert, ? too few silences, # too short, = comm flagged
10:43:39 - info@ Start - End Start - End Duration Interval Level/Count
10:43:39 - info@ frame - frame (mmm:ss-mmm:ss) frame (mm:ss.s) frame (mmm:ss)
/media/My Video/Silent Witness_20170806_2100.ts: could not find codec parameters
10:45:06 - err@libsndfile error:
10:45:06 - err@File contains data in an unknown format.
10:45:06 - Final bookmarks:
10:45:06 - 10:45:06 - /media/My Video/Silent Witness_20170806_2100.ts Detection Length error, Bookmarks may be upto 02:21:58 out
10:45:06 - done...processed in 87.724s 00:01:28 - 0 ad breaks bookmarked

Another manifestation of the changes to the Drama Channel or caused by changes made by auto-processing?
Sidecar Files - Show TS info returns:
Could not find Program Map Table. Recording is encrypted or invalid type. Cannot extract any information from recording.
On a Drama program that has completed decryption. shrinking and detectads.
Can't test whether the program plays OK on the box as I'm in Spain. I've downloaded the program to a PC and it refuses to play using VLC.
I've setup a new program to record on Drama and turned off all auto processing flags. I'll save a copy of it before any processing and run decrypt, shrink and detectads manually checking the state of the .TS file after each step and also trying to play the file on a PC in the UK using Teamviewer once decrypted.
If that works OK I'll re-enable the auto-processing flags one at a time on the saved copy and see what happens to it after each step.
Just to add some info (not as technical I'm afraid as some of you experts!) - I recorded 2 programmes from Drama on Saturday, and I have the Auto-Decrypt Flag OFF in the main Video Folder at the moment owing to this problem, so I went to decrypt them manually, but DECRYPT was greyed out on the OPT+ menu.

I therefore copied the HMT files to my computer, and used Foxy.exe to modify them, then copied them back but the DEC flag was not showing, but I was then able to manually Decrypt them - and they show the DEC flag OK

I then played them from the Humax box, and they played fine and then - having copied them to my computer - I played them using VLC and they also played fine on the computer

I don't have any other Auto-processing tasks set except Sweeper - hope this may help in some way

Now I have a second HDR box on which I recorded two more episodes (it was actually When the Boat Comes In and since they run one after the other and I use padding, I record them on alternate boxes) – On these Decrypt was not greyed out in the OPT+ menu so I did decrypt. I was greeted with an error message that it couldn’t because a copy already exists in the _original folder

So I deleted that folder & was now able to manually decrypt both files, but when I tried to play them, I was greeted with Channel Scrambled messages. I therefore did the HMT thing with foxy.exe and the DEC flag was showing, but they still would not play – Channel Scrambled

I use Haenlein’s DVR Studio Pro for video editing and it will sometimes manage to read damaged or encrypted files, but not this time

I then went to the two original copies which were now in _original folder in [Deleted Items], although I don’t know how they got into an _original folder, since Auto-Decrypt is not turned on (see above) – Anyway, from the Humax box they played perfectly, but not of course on my computer using VLC since they are not decrypted

The plot thickens !
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OK, these are the results of the tests on a program recorded from Drama:

Apologies for the verbosity.

Program processed manually:
Manual decrypt - TS file OK and plays OK.
Manual shrink - .TS file OK and plays OK.
Manual detectads .TS file OK and plays OK

Program auto-processed:
Turned on auto-decrypt on directory containing the files already manually processed - decrypt, shrink and detectad
auto-processing correctly detected that they were already decrypted and took no action.
Turned on auto-decrypt on directory containing the copied and saved original recording.
According to "Queue" the auto-decrypt failed and was then retried several times.
auto.log shows:
C: 1765 900 decrypt - /mnt/hd2/My Video/Tony Testing/The Bill_20170807_1202.ts
De-queuing 1765 - decrypt - /mnt/hd2/My Video/Tony Testing/The Bill_20170807_1202.ts
decrypt: /mnt/hd2/My Video/Tony Testing/The Bill_20170807_1202.ts - Not yet indexed, trying helper
decrypt: DECRYPT: /mnt/hd2/My Video/Tony Testing/The Bill_20170807_1202
decrypt: DLNA:
DEFER - Recording did not decrypt properly

For each attempt at decrypting apart from some entries saying:
decrypt: /mnt/hd2/My Video/Tony Testing/The Bill_20170807_1202.ts - has been indexed.

At this point I turned off auto-processing to stop the looping auto-processing processes.
Checking the unencrypted program the decrypt OPT+ option is greyed out so no manual decryption possible.
I restarted the auto-processing to see if it would finally give up trying to decrypt the program and after over an hour of it running as the only auto process I removed the auto-decrypt flag from the directory containing the program to stop the looping. This didn't work so I had to stop the auto-processing and then decrypt the program manually. The manually decrypted program played OK and the .TS file was OK. On restarting the auto-processing the program was recognised as already decrypted and processing coninued with detectads (even though the auto detectads flag wasn't set).

Don't know why it attempted the auto-decrypt so many times, perhaps there ought to be a counter to abandon the auto-decrypt after a number of retries.
I guess it must have been a timing issue that caused the manual decryption option to be unavailable the first time I tried.
Also don't know why the auto-detectads ran as there was no detectads flag or detectads-recursive flag set at any directory level.

I don't think that this takes us any further forward apart from my understanding of the problem.

I guess someone with the tools and knowledge needs to look at the problem to fix it.
I created a new directory and then used copy and pasted the copied file into the new directory from the web-interface.
Select Browse
go to the bottom and select "New Folder" and name it
tick the box to the left of the file to be copied then go to the bottom and select copy.
go into the newly created directory and select paste.
Thanks. I forgot you could do it via the web interface.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Hi. I also see this problem since I recently retuned. I repeated the retune a few days later just in case (no help). Drama and ITV3 affected, not tried other channels mentioned above. Also, it's months since I updated any of the custom FW packages.

To test, I disabled recursive auto-decrypt at the top level and didn't enable decrypt on the program folder (Drama: Last of the Summer Wine). Some hours after next episode was recorded, I enabled auto-decrypt on the program folder. Auto-decryption kicked in but failed several times. Manual decrypt in place from the Opt+ popup works for me every time and program then plays OK on box, via WebIF and when copied to PC (I use VLC).

I don't think I've added any new knowledge here but it seems to my inexpert eyes that the code for auto-decrypt might be a little different to the decrypt in place version?

Just to add I reckon the custom FW is really useful even though I only use a fraction of it – thanks guys!
Not sure if it will help anyone but I find it useful while this problem exists.
I have created a sweeper rule that will put any Drama recordings into a folder using square brackets (which the auto routines ignore). If it is a series then I change the folder name to have square brackets.Capture13-08-2017-10.06.20.jpg
The folder can be any name as long as the square brackets are there.
I then decrypt/shrink via the opt button and then move the recording to somewhere else if I want to.
I too had problems with Drama and auto-decrypt.
I used the copy method (above) to sidestep the problem.
Manual decrypt seemed to be OK
I'm thinking to use the sweeper, which I haven't so far to evade the problem.
Once in the queue I couldn't find a way to remove it, apart from deleting