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Empty Schedule

What could cause the WebIF to display the schedule OK but the SUI have a problem with it?
I don't know but the latter seems unhappy. You only have 4 items out of 16, and they seem in an odd state (mine all say 0/0 (idle) ).
Does the WebIF cache the schedule, and therefore be displaying a different set of data?
No, but what's in the memory of humaxtv is different to what it has pushed out to the database.
On the other hand, a reboot cures it so the data must be available to the SUI.
Yes, the data is all there is the database. You could try a nugget schedule.load and then repeat the schedule.timers command and see whether there's a difference, or it generates an error, and what the SUI says.
I guess this must be the crash of some daemon in the Humax blob, but if so why am I now seeing this on a regular basis on two of my machines as a recent thing, and nobody else is reporting it?
Don't know. You could try removing the database:
/etc/init.d/S90settop shut
rm /var/lib/humaxtv/rsv.db
and let it copy the default one in. Then re-populate it from backup and reboot again.
I have no idea about the log, but I think I remember posting a suggested script somewhere (haven't looked where) and I don't think that got tried.
Oh yes, I forgot about the possibility of the network timing out. I'll look into that (and the above) a bit later (currently having a cup of tea in Tesco).
All slots apart from 1,4,6,7 appear to be events in the past, which is probably why they aren't in the nugget list. This would seem to be as expected apart from the (0/-1) thing. So what is actually wrong? You didn't say explicitly.
So what is actually wrong? You didn't say explicitly.
I have, up-thread (posts 1 & 2, sanitised):
I'm getting this on a frequent basis, on a HDR-FOX and a HD-FOX, but the HD-FOX is the current case in point. I'm posting in the CF section only because CF will be involved in the process of diagnosis.

Left to its own devices over the weekend (not in standby), the unit in question recorded on Saturday evening but nothing after that. This morning, it didn't do what it had been scheduled to do, and when I checked the schedule was empty (as I have come to expect). WebIF still works, and there is nothing reported in the crash log (not recently, anyway).

I have no doubt that when I reboot the schedule will restore itself, as I have previously experienced. Previous experience suggests it is not auto-schedule-restore doing this, as there is not a multi-boot, however I will disable ASR before I reboot just to confirm...
Well that's curious, and not something I have observed previously: although the SUI schedule is empty, the WebIF schedule is correctly populated.
...so the on-box scheduling is empty and inoperative, although WebIF shows the schedule intact. A reboot restores operation, with schedule populated (and not due to auto-schedule-restore).
Browsing the nugget source, the "0/-1 (???)" thing appears to mean that the humaxtv app can't fetch from the database, making all its internal timers' data inconsistent. This seems to cause the whole thing to stop working, as you have found. The correct schedule is in the database, so rebooting reloads it from there to memory and restores normal operation. What the root cause of it going wrong in the first place is is anybody's guess. Presumably the schedule.timers list is now not showing this?
If so, one could of course write a script to detect the abnormal condition and reboot the box automatically.

There may also be mileage in running this in the fault condition to see if it shines any light:
humax# lsof -p $(pgrep humaxtv)|grep rsv
humaxtv 348 root   18u   REG       31,1       10240     108 /var/lib/humaxtv/rsv.db
the humaxtv app can't fetch from the database, making all its internal timers' data inconsistent. This seems to cause the whole thing to stop working, as you have found. The correct schedule is in the database, so rebooting reloads it from there to memory and restores normal operation.
Aha! A reasonable explanation.

What the root cause of it going wrong in the first place is is anybody's guess.
My guess is age-related dementia.

Presumably the schedule.timers list is now not showing this?
It is, because I haven't done anything to alter the situation yet.

There may also be mileage in running this in the fault condition to see if it shines any light:
HDFOX3# nugget schedule.timers                                                                     
 Slot           Stat           Type Time       Left                                               
 ----           ----           ---- ----       ----                                               
   7: 0x1c99c08  0/-1 (???   )  4   1741415670  28343 Sat Mar  8 06:34:30 2025                     
   1: 0x19a27d4  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741470270  82943 Sat Mar  8 21:44:30 2025                     
   6: 0x19a27c8  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741476570  89243 Sat Mar  8 23:29:30 2025                     
   4: 0x1c979a0  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741553070 165743 Sun Mar  9 20:44:30 2025                     
HDFOX3# lsof -p $(pgrep humaxtv)|grep rsv                                                         
humaxtv 285 root   18u   REG       31,1       4096    12511 /var/lib/humaxtv/rsv_fail.db

There is an undocumented command nugget schedule.timers.csv which would assist with this task.
HDFOX3# nugget schedule.timers.csv                                                                 
You didn't try the schedule.load then?
Forgot about that, sorry... Nope.

HDFOX3# nugget schedule.load                                                                       
HDFOX3# nugget schedule.timers                                                                     
 Slot           Stat           Type Time       Left                                               
 ----           ----           ---- ----       ----                                               
   1: 0x19a27d4  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741470270  49368 Sat Mar  8 21:44:30 2025                     
   6: 0x19a27c8  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741476570  55668 Sat Mar  8 23:29:30 2025                     
   4: 0x1c979a0  0/-1 (???   )  3   1741553070 132168 Sun Mar  9 20:44:30 2025                     
I dunno. You said the test command spat out the whole file, so it seems like something client side. Investigate your browser's debugging options to see if you can work anything out.
Post WebIF reboot:

HDFOX3# nugget schedule.timers                                                                     
 Slot           Stat           Type Time       Left                                               
 ----           ----           ---- ----       ----                                               
   1: 0x1c935f4  0/ 0 (idle  )  3   1741470270  27040 Sat Mar  8 21:44:30 2025                     
   6: 0x1c93618  0/ 0 (idle  )  3   1741476570  33340 Sat Mar  8 23:29:30 2025                     
   2: 0x1c93600  0/ 0 (idle  )  2   1741493970  50740 Sun Mar  9 04:19:30 2025                     
  10: 0x1c939b4  0/ 0 (idle  )  2   1741499970  56740 Sun Mar  9 05:59:30 2025                     
   4: 0x1c9360c  0/ 0 (idle  )  3   1741553070 109840 Sun Mar  9 20:44:30 2025                     
   7: 0x1c9399c  0/ 0 (idle  )  4   1742020470 577240 Sat Mar 15 06:34:30 2025