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Exporting Humax bookmarks


Active Member
Is anyone aware of any way/tool to export Humax recording bookmarks, such that they could be used with a viewing utility on another platform, e.g. VLC?

VLC, for example, has a custom bookmark facility, so it might be possible, at least in theory?

thanks much...
But most likely to acquire a CF solution!

Can you provide a reference to the specification for VLC bookmarks?
It doesn't look difficult to write a script which takes the output of the CF hmt utility and pipes it into grep or sed or something (I like awk) to generate the VLC file. I might even try it myself if I get a bit of time later.
thanks both, that's most helpful. I had assumed that VLC's bookmarks would be in some impenetrable format, and was hoping someone might have already done it.

Sounds like it's plausible, at least - thanks again...
You could try something like this...

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <hmtfile>"
  exit 1

for bm in $(hmt -bookmarks "$1"); do
  if [ $flag -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "#EXTVLCOPT:start-time=$bm"
    echo "#EXTVLCOPT:stop-time=$bm"
    echo $(basename "$1" .hmt).ts
Edit: changed filename generation
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Looking at the format of the VLC file, it includes the local filename of the .ts file, so probably the only option would be a program on the destination device to create/amend the VLC file from the HMT.
Or some combination. I think Humax records frame numbers whereas the VLS playlist uses seconds from the start