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Extracting to DVD

How does one know at what level to pitch answers and advice? You would think somebody who's been a member of this forum for that long would have picked up at least a crumb of knowledge about something as basic as file names and extensions - anyone in any way competent with using a computer at least knows the difference between a .doc and a .xls, unless they keep their heads buried in the sand by leaving the display of extensions turned off by default (bad idea).

I think it was quite fair for me to express surprise. If anybody disagrees: I couldn't give a damn, and it's hardly in the same league as prpr's early days. As for being at the "top of the tree" - there's no way I claim that, I just try to be informative, and it is frustrating when it falls on barren ground. You try it!
Pitching the reply at the right level can be problematical, but starting a reply with
If you are that clueless
is totally unnecessary and rude and seems to have raised the ire of several correspondents. A bit unnecessary in my, and other's opinion.
A blu-ray player will play back unencrypted HD content if it is mastered in AVCHD format on a DVD blank. AVCHD was jointly invented by Sony and Panasonic to allow creation of HD content on DVD blanks recorded by digital HD camcorders (which also use m2ts format files).

The above mentioned TSmuxer Gui will write a AVCHD format folder (note you may have to replace the aac audio with ac3 first).

Tsmuxergui can be used to remux the original file with a .ac3 file created from the original aac audio.

The process is much easier with unencrypted HD from a satellite source which natively uses ac3 audio.

This folder can be burnt to a DVD blank using software like IMGburn

These guides may help also works with .ts files (actually .m2ts)


To add to the above, much of the processing can be done on the HDR-FOX itself with ffmpeg. First connect with Telnet and then navigate to the folder containing the recording from the command line, for example:
cd /media/"My Video"
Quotes are needed when a folder or filename has a space. The following will remux the recording, copying the video stream and transcoding the main audio stream to Dolby Digital:
ffmpeg -i "File A.ts" -c:v copy -c:a ac3 -b:a 384k "File A.m2ts"
I tested it on a one hour high def. recording with a 5.1 audio stream and it took about 45 minutes to process. In the above example the audio bitrate was set to 384k (the minimum recommended in the ffmpeg documentation for 5.1 ac3 audio). For stereo, you could reduce the bitrate to 160k, but as the audio track is small compared to the video this is probably not necessary. Remuxing will also work on recordings edited with nicesplice.
The m2ts file created can then be copied to a PC (smb/ file explorer or FTP) and converted to AVCHD format with TSmuxer GUI and burned to disk.