Freezing or no picture? Try QVC channel 16...


New Member
Dear Richer Sounds have been exchanging PVRs for almost a year for me - two 9200 models, then a few 9300s - and I'm currently on HDR-Fox T2.

Each time - freezing or no signal, randomly flashing display, TV signal ok but not on PVR - you name it - I've just realised that the Humax had been 'watching' QVC, Channel 16. Each time!

So I've retuned, reformatted, and am keeping my fingers crossed.

1. Anyone else notice this??
2. Or is it 'chance'?


[Apologies for cross-posting, even though I checked first.]
Whenever I retune, the last stage in my process is to "Edit Channels" and block-delete all shopping/children's/IPTV/topup/dating/crap.
That's not a very helpful answer BH. Most unlike you.
@OP What signal levels do you get on QVC? Sounds a bit like low signal to me. But what do I know. QVC is OK on my 9200 and all my FV TVs.
I may be stating the obvious, but have you confirmed that you are receiving signals from your 'local' transmitter and not a weaker one or even multiple ones?
Thanks for checking - the signal level has always been fine, it's always manually retuned to local channels - after deleting/formatting and resetting everything, leads and sockets replaced [and checked] - I have duplicate set-ups in two different rooms, and it just seemed to be something about QVC!
It would be worth specifically checking the signal and quality figures on QVC when the problem occurs. Pressing the "i" button on a live broadcast brings up an information panel, at the bottom right are a pair of level indicators of which the top one is signal level and the bottom one is quality - quality should always be 100%.

The i-plate is only a snapshot though, for a good measurement do this:
  1. From the live broadcast, press "OK" to produce a channel list with the current channel highlighted;
  2. Press "i" to bring up a channel information panel and note the broadcast channel number for the QVC multiplex ("Ch##");
  3. Exit, then Menu >> Settings >> System >> Signal Detection. Press "OK" and select the relevant broadcast channel from the list;
  4. Monitor the strength and quality indicator bars for a few minutes to check for any wild variations in the figures - a single snapshot is not an adequate measure.
As I implied above, I never watch QVC and therefore cannot say whether QVC in particular suffers from systematic problems. It is known that IPTV channels can make the Humax crash if viewed, because they try to access the Internet using methods which the Humax is not compatible with (and it appears to have a bug which triggers a crash). It crosses my mind that QVC might attempt to link to on-line material.
It crosses my mind that QVC might attempt to link to on-line material.

Well, you might inadvertently 'helped' me there, BH.

SWMBO often watches QVC. The other night my HDR locked up, the picture froze but sound was OK while she was watching QVC. The display was counting down....3...2....1 and then rebooted.

This has never happened before or since. The Crash log confirmed it was a crash.

It appeared to be a 'one off'', and I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it in your reply.

I don't know what caused it, no recording or playback of a recording, (obviously the TS buffer was active), was taking place so the HDR wasn't under any undue strain. I put it down to one of those things that happen now and again, even though this hadn't occurred before.
Trev said I wasn't being helpful, but the help I was trying to be was to suggest the Humax has a sense of taste.
I'll also go for :).
I must admit that I don't often (ever) watch QVC myself either neither does HWMBO (thank goodness)
Perhaps I should to see if my 9200 will crash. :frantic: