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Fvp-5000t record stops working all the time


New Member
I'm posting on behalf of my elderly mum.

She had a fox t2 which was fantastic, for about a decade then it went wrong.

We bought her a 5000t to replace as it seemed to be the new equivalent humax box.

Omg this thing is a pain, 2 main issues

1) very frequently it just stops responding to record commands, you cannot press record or schedule any recordings. Powering off at the wall and back on again fixes this but mum is disabled and this is a, pita, and it happens too much, twice yesterday!

2) no way to create folders and organise recordings. For mum this is a show stopper, she now has loads of recordings and it takes about 5 minutes to scroll down the list to the films, at the bottom. I can't believe they've removed such basic functionality that a decade old box had

Are either of these fixable?

If not is there a freeview recorder that doesn't suffer from these issues?
Mine always records unless it's already recording 3

Scroll down to see a list of films????
Ours lists all recordings with most recent first. Series are already in folders. Never had a need to create more folders or move stuff around
I've checked and when the recording thing happens it's not because too many things are recording. It affects record now and trying to schedule another recording later. Record now just does nothing and if I go into the guide, pick a show, the record option simply doesn't work, it's unselectable.

I'm sure most people dont need folders, but mum watches and records a lot, and she really misses that functionality from the old box. Her 2tb box is about 1/2 full and yes the most recent is at the top but she often rewatches old recordings particularly old films she's collecting on there.
She had a fox t2 which was fantastic, for about a decade then it went wrong.
Maybe you'd like to expand a bit more on that in a more appropriate thread (i.e start one elsewhere in the forum!) and somebody may be able to assist.

Can't help with the rest.
There is no way to create folders on the 5000T. It is not fixable unless Humax provide it an update. Chances are Humax have abandoned updates to the device.

Yes, the long list is a pain. You can sometimes shorten the list if you know which channel the film was on. Also P+ and P- move you up and down the list quicker. If you know the name of the film you could try using the search instead of scrolling through the list.

I don’t understand why your box isn’t recording properly. It isn’t clear to me whether the 5000T is new or not. You say it has a 2T disk half full. Therefore it must have worked properly for a long time. What has changed? How many recordings are there on the box? How many scheduled recordings are set? I don’t know whether there is a limit to these - it isn’t documented. Or were you referring to the old box?

If all else fails you could try a factory reset (without formatting the disk and losing recordings). If you contact Humax they would probably tell you to try this. You would have to try and reset the scheduled recordings - so make a note before you consider resetting.
She had a fox t2 which was fantastic, for about a decade then it went wrong.
As per prpr's comments: depending how exactly it "went wrong", it isn't necessarily terminal. The HDR-FOX was a sweet-spot for usability.
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The 5000t was purchased new around 7 months ago. It didn't have the record issue for quite a while, then it happened once, we reset, and it was fine for another long while. It seems to be getting more frequent with time.

I've no idea of the number of recordings or schedules but certainly a large number of recordings. But I would assume the box should be able to cope with a full disk of recordings so I don't think that's the issue.

I think I'm going to setup a wireless plug switch thing so she can hard reboot the box without getting up..

Thanks for your tips on navigating the list, I'll try to go through those with Mum and see how she gets on!

I wish I could understand why they dropped such basic functionality, the folders thing worked great on the old fox!
Folders seem to have been lost between the 1800/2000T and 4000/5000T models. You may still be able to get new 2000Ts if you wanted to replace the 5000T. You’d have to get advice from someone else about switching brands. I’ve seen people mention Manhattan as an alternative PVR.

I’ve got over 300 recordings on my 5000T and have a very vague recollection of a recording problem once. Fingers crossed it hasn’t recurred. I must have regained control by resetting the box. It may be worth a try - but be careful to make a note of the schedule and do not format the disk.

The box is within the warranty period so you could ask Humax for advice/replacement. You risk losing all the recordings if you go down this route. As I said Humax seem to have a habit of suggesting you reset the box when you report problems.
Black Hole

Actually no, the fox started working again and it's currently used as a sort of archive, because it's nearly full, combined with the error it had and the worry it will go wrong again. Also mum has got used to being able to record 3 or 4 things at once on the new one..

It was 7 months ago so I can't remember the exact error but it was like it lost its encryption key and couldn't decode existing recordings

On the 5000t how do you search recordings, there's no obvious option and within there if I use the search (magnify) icon on the remote it seems to just search the guide?

Thanks for the suggestions so far, the channel/page down helps and channel filtering can also help a bit in some cases although most of the time we don't know what channel stuff was recorded from!
I could be wrong, it was a while back but I seem to remember it sorted itself out after a few days. I'm pretty sure stand by didn't fix it, I'm fairly sure I would've tried a hard power off and on and that didn't do it. We got the new box, got that setup, I was about to chuck the old box and gave it one final try and it had sorted itself
Actually no, the fox started working again and it's currently used as a sort of archive, because it's nearly full, combined with the error it had and the worry it will go wrong again. Also mum has got used to being able to record 3 or 4 things at once on the new one..

It was 7 months ago so I can't remember the exact error but it was like it lost its encryption key and couldn't decode existing recordings
That is a well known problem that occurs on most boxes occasionally; put the box into standby and turn off the power to the box and it will work properly when powered up.

As regards the FVP I would say it sounds like a faulty box to me and I would suggest telephoning Humax support with a view to getting the box replaced.
Actually no, the fox started working again and it's currently used as a sort of archive, because it's nearly full, combined with the error it had and the worry it will go wrong again. Also mum has got used to being able to record 3 or 4 things at once on the new one..
  1. You (and/or Mum) have a fundamental problem of recording more content than you are watching (and deleting). No PVR will ever remain stable indefinitely if you insist on filling it up.

  2. The HDR-FOX (which I'll bet is fixable) has a good UI but records a maximum of two programmes simultaneously (there is a trick which makes it possible to record three). The 5000T records four programmes but has a lousy UI. Take your choice...
Yeap. We all watch lots of stuff and we all keep old films that we watch all the time. I've got some on there since last Christmas. On the 5000 there's no need to stuff them in a folder show your mum how to use the search feature, great thing is it remembers your last few searches, it will come straight up with a program or film that she wants to watch whether it's a recording whether it's coming up or whether it's on on streaming, brilliant feature

The feature I miss most of all is is the RECENT FOLDER this stored all the recordings in the last watched order which was very easy to resume watching something that you watched last night or last week really really miss this feature and I don't know why they got rid of it it it's one of the first things you go to on Netflix or any other media player