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greenend-sftp: How to connect instead of dropbear-ssh?


I have installed greenend-sftp but I don't know how to connect to it. Does it use a default port? I can't find any information (that I understand). I understood that dropbear-ssh did not support sftp so using WinSCP and the same settings as I used for dropbear-ssh, except this time I chose sftp, I have connected with a server. I don't know which tho! I have reduced the connection speed and at 50% down it is still going strong. :)

Edit: Must be connected to greenend-sftp :)

File is resumable, dropbear was not. This is ideal for my travels, looks like I'm all sorted.

I want to thank all who helped, I am very grateful. Will let you know when I am in Asia trying all this out.
Greeenend sftp is the sftp subsystem that installs alongside ssh to enable sftp. It's not a case of 'instead' it's a case of 'as well as'.