I've got a hdr fox t2 set up on cust firmware, web if, linked to folders on our laptops working great. Ive just managed to get a hd fox t2 from ebay. What I've done so far...
1. loaded original humax firmware 1.02.29
2. Loaded custom firmware 1.02.29_mod_2.15
When the box boots up, FW 2.15 is displayed on the front panel
3. Connected box to the internet via ethernet (shows internet connected in menu-internet settings, displays ip address and tv portal loads ok)
4. Tried to format a usb to ext2 but when telnetting, all my usb's show as unsuitable for format/conversion. Also tried using minitool partitian wizard via laptop but doesnt seem to recognise it. When pressing media- storage only network shows up.
When I put the ip address of the box into my computer( on same network ) the page doesnt load. Does the usb need to be setup before the webif will work?
My usb sizes ive tried are.. 2gb, 8gb, 16gb, 32gb.
Ariel connected and full channels available.
Any help kindly appreciated.
I've got a hdr fox t2 set up on cust firmware, web if, linked to folders on our laptops working great. Ive just managed to get a hd fox t2 from ebay. What I've done so far...
1. loaded original humax firmware 1.02.29
2. Loaded custom firmware 1.02.29_mod_2.15
When the box boots up, FW 2.15 is displayed on the front panel
3. Connected box to the internet via ethernet (shows internet connected in menu-internet settings, displays ip address and tv portal loads ok)
4. Tried to format a usb to ext2 but when telnetting, all my usb's show as unsuitable for format/conversion. Also tried using minitool partitian wizard via laptop but doesnt seem to recognise it. When pressing media- storage only network shows up.
When I put the ip address of the box into my computer( on same network ) the page doesnt load. Does the usb need to be setup before the webif will work?
My usb sizes ive tried are.. 2gb, 8gb, 16gb, 32gb.
Ariel connected and full channels available.
Any help kindly appreciated.