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HD-FOX T2 PVR functionality using 32GB pen drive


New Member
Looked through the forum but cant find a specific answer to this-I have a HDR-FOX-T2 with "your" firmware-works great.I have 3 HD-FOX-T2's, of which one I am now also attempting to upgrade.Upgrade went well, installed some of the custom packages, it can see and stream from the HDR.All good.
However, when I attempt to use my UPD 32GB drive for the PVR functionality on the HD-FOX box, it wont work.I have read through some of the posts and the general observation is to use an external powered drive. This I can do, but I want to mount this box behind a TV, with as less "extras" as possible.Also, I have this set-up, and this pen drive working with the normal firmware, as this blog entry shows.
Is it something to do with the non-standard firmware that I cant use the UPD in this situation, or is it because the custom packages are on it? Bascially, I want to have my cake and eat it, with just a UPD.Possible? Or am I wishing for too much? Is it best just to re-install the org firmware if the PVR functionality is my main need?


Leave the CF on and get yourself a portable (USB) HDD, let the Humax format it and assign it for recording.
The Buffalo 500GB works for me and are under £50 now and coming down.
Cheers guys-looks like I will downsize back to the original FW so I can get PVR like functionality.I only really want the ability to do the odd Live TV pause or the occasional programme to be recorded-the HDR does all the heavy lifting in the house, and this is then streamed to the HD boxes (I have 3). My main aim here is to keep the box (which is in the bedroom) as lean as possible, hence why the UPD is the most attractive option.



You can install the CF to a HDD.

Update: at least, all the evidence we have to date indicates you can't record to a UPD. SSDs are a different matter.
...and the CF doesn't obstruct recording to a HDD. The thing to do is prepare the HDD for recording using the Humax's tools, and then install the CF after.
I'm not sure how this has worked, but I think I've managed to get full PVR functionality on my HD-FOX-T2,on the CF-but by using a 32GB pen drive. Here's what I've done, and also what I can do:
  • Took a normal Firmware HD box and upgraded it to the latest Humax code.All functioned as normal.
  • Put in the 32GB pen drive (UPD) , formatted to FAT32 beforehand, and then let the HD format it as the "new" HDD. Then let the HD set it up for recording. Did a few test recordings and all went well, also paused Live TV
  • Took out the newly formatted 32GB UPD and put in a 8GB UPD with the latest version of CF on it
  • Took the HD out of standby and watched the CF being installed-100% reached ok so took out and rebooted. New FW was taken (FW 2.11 on the LED front?) and TV came back on. Put back into standby and re-inserted the 32GB UPD-took out of standby and went into Settings, UPD still showing as valid Hard drive.
  • Tried a few recordings and pausing live TV-yep, still worked ok.
  • So logged into new minimal web server on HD and preceded to install the full custom software. Went ok, came back to the HD box and tried some recordings again.Still working!
  • Back to PC and preceded to install the most popular packages (TV portal,Samba, auto-mount, the usual suspects)-this was the litmus test for me, as I wondered if all the previous work would be undone.Rebooted the HD-FOX, still able to record and also then went into the updated TV portal-that brought up the "new" goodies like Twitter et all-incidentally the Internat Radio seems to be broken as every time I went into a channel the HD-FOX rebooted?
  • I can see the drives under my Win 7 PC and drag and drop files, plus put new ones in through the web interface.Everything seems to be the same as my HDR box.I can also stream files from my HDR box as well.
So in summary, I have a CF HD-FOX box with a 32GB UPD, that I can watch AND record on, plus pause Live TV and use all the great features that the CF give me.Does this sound like it should work as it does and is there anything else I can try to make sure its the real deal?
Users have tried USB flash drives in the past and although they work running the Custom Firmware, they have always failed when attempting to record to them, this is is probably due to their size because the Hd-Fox T2 appears to require at least 20GB and as far as I know no-one has tried anything bigger than 16GB before, so you have just proved that size does count :)
OK, I take it back. Your persistence paid off, I will have to update a load of information on the forum.

There's another factor beyond the 32GB stick - updated Humax firmware. You don't mention whether the "latest" firmware is 1.02.28 or 1.02.29, but it is possible that Humax have improved the support in this area.

There is still a potential problem though: it has been suggested that Ext3 is very harsh on memory sticks, and it will run out of write cycles very quickly. You should consider disabling the timeshift buffer.
Don't break out the champers yet :disagree: .Set up a scheduled recording of Family Guy last night, which it took.Came back down this morning and all the data on the UPD has gone.All I'm getting when I press Media is drive1, with nothing inside that folder. It isn't recognised under Settings, and I cant reformat it either.So back to the drawing board. I wonder if something from the custom Web IF has been a bit naughty during the night?
Any ideas?


#UPDATE# The UPD has just burst into life and all the files are there, including the Family Guy recording.I will keep an eye on this and see how it goes
(posted before the update above)

I doubt the custom software is to blame, but a short trial without the CF installed should prove that. You may need to run a repair operation on the UPD before you can format it back to FAT - reference HERE (click).

You may have better luck with Ext2. From what I recall, the process of setting up the drive for recording is for the Humax to register the drive's volume ID. Repeat what you did before (without the CF) to prove negative with the standard Humax format (Ext3), then (if you are willing) try this:
  1. Before you trash the stick, note it's volume ID (something like ####-####) and folder structure.
  2. Repair it after trashing and use Linux tools to format it Ext2, hack the volume ID to what you noted (I'm not being specific about this 'cos I don't know - can't be more that a Google away).
  3. Recreate the folder structure.
  4. Plug into the Humax and it should be recordable.
  5. Disable live buffering for longer life!
I wonder if I need to give it 5 minutes after it comes out of standby, or something like that? Anyway, its working, I'll have a play and report back


Users have tried USB flash drives in the past and although they work running the Custom Firmware, they have always failed when attempting to record to them, this is is probably due to their size because the Hd-Fox T2 appears to require at least 20GB and as far as I know no-one has tried anything bigger than 16GB before, so you have just proved that size does count :)

Have tehre been any reports of any one successfully using a HD-FOX-T2 to format a HDD for anything under a 80GB?

HD-FOX-T2 (1.02.20 alone) will not format my own 40gb and 60GB HDDs (manufacturer quoted sizes). The smallest HDD I have that the HD-FOX-T2 will format is 80GB.

I have also tried 64GB and 128GB pen drives with my HD-FOX-T2 (1.02.20 alone) and it will not format those.
Its still working, after being in standby for 3 or 4 hours-got it scheduled to record Die Hard 4.0 tonight so see how it goes.It was a 32GB one from play.com , branded as their own.Here's the link


Have tehre been any reports of any one successfully using a HD-FOX-T2 to format a HDD for anything under a 80GB?

I have formatted a 30GB HDD using the HDR-Fox T2, but obviously the HDR won't be recording to an external HDD so may-be the HD would not allow this, It is strange that cabsandy has got the HD to format a 32GB flash drive though
Hi all,
The FW version on the box menu setting says KZTFT 1.02.28 . This morning I brought up the UPD and it displayed the drive1 from standby. I waited about 20 seconds and it burst into life, so I guess it's just reading the drive before giving me access. The recording from last night works absolutely fine, watching it now.

Anything else you need to know, happy to try it out. Is there a 1.02.29 due out soon?


It is reported that 1.02.29 is available for download, though I have not checked myself. It is supposed to cure an Internet Radio problem introduced with 1.02.28.