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hd recordings


New Member
saw video on youtube about the custom firmware it showed a video of showing your recordings on a webpage, can you decrypt a hd video and download it to put on a disk so you watch it on like blu ray player. Why im asking can you do its this way can you decrypt the hd video and then can you put a usb stick into hdr fox t2 and copy the hd video on to usb stick, or does it just decrypt and download throuh the webpage.
saw video on youtube...

If you install the custom firmware and the right packages (in this case you need one called auto-unprotect) then you can treat HD recordings in the same way as SD. That means that if you copy them to USB using the on-TV menus then they will be decrypted too.

You can also decrypt and download HD & SD from the web interface as long as you have turned on Content Sharing in the menus.

To get the resulting .ts file into a format playable on your BluRay player is an entirely different question - it has been discussed many times on here, rather than reiterating it I suggest you make use of the search functions in the forum.
It easer to get a High-def recording from the Humax if you install Custom Firmware, without the CF it is possible but it takes a few stages to remove some protection before de-crypting the file (Details HERE), There is another problem the DVD standard doesn't support the High definition standard that will be recorded so it would need to be converted, the High-def. quality can be kept if id recorded onto a Blu-Ray disk but it would still need converting to the Blue Ray standard or MKV AVI etc.
Obviously a product of the modern education system.

I saw video on YouTube about the custom firmware. It showed a video of showing your recordings on a webpage. Can you decrypt an HD video and download it to put on a disk, so you watch it on like Blu-ray player? Can you decrypt the HD video and then can you put a USB stick into HDR-FOX T2 and copy the HD video on to USB stick, or does it only decrypt and download through the web page?

Either. Plenty of information already here if you care to look, I'm sure we don't want to type it all out again.
If you install the custom firmware and the right packages (in this case you need one called auto-unprotect) then you can treat HD recordings in the same way as SD. That means that if you copy them to USB using the on-TV menus then they will be decrypted too.

You can also decrypt and download HD & SD from the web interface as long as you have turned on Content Sharing in the menus.

To get the resulting .ts file into a format playable on your BluRay player is an entirely different question - it has been discussed many times on here, rather than reiterating it I suggest you make use of the search functions in the forum.

so if i decrypted a hd recording will it be still be in high definition or will it put it in standard definition.
It remains HiDef. You will then need a video authoring programme able to take HiDef input and create Blu-ray output.
The Humax video file is a TS file, e.g. a Transport Stream, Standard Def. TS files are basically MPEG2 video format, but High-Def. is not, it is H.624 format e.g.

StDef content is easy enough, it contains MPG streams and can be extracted as an MPG. HiDef is H.264 within the .TS (Transport Stream) wrapper.

You might find it easier to rip the HiDef iPlayer stream (if it's BBC), which will be MP4.