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HDR-2000T's Two USB sockets.


New Member
Hello All
I'll be brief. I've read threads back to 2014 but found no answer.
Can I fit/run two external USB/HDDs as PVRs, using the 2x USB sockets, as a simple Plug'n'Play option?.
Aahh......a bit too brief. Thanks for your prompt reply Black Hole.
If I can revise my first message -
[Can I fit/run two external USB/HDDs as USB storage devices, using the 2x USB sockets, as a simple Plug'n'Play option?.]
My Humax HDR-2000T user guide identifies the two USB sockets, in two separate views. In each view the description is identical [USB port. Connect a USB storage device].
So this would seem to indicate that I can run two storage devices. This is only Implicit. What I'm looking for is Explicit assurance that I can operate with two storage devices simultaneously fitted?.
So this would seem to indicate that I can run two storage devices. This is only Implicit. What I'm looking for is Explicit assurance that I can operate with two storage devices simultaneously fitted?.
I have used more than one external USB memory device. Also from my experience what the manual states is correct.
USB ports on your product supply 800mA in total. This 800mA is shared among all devices connected
to product.
Having two HDD "fitted" at the same time shouldn't be an issue, but using them at the same time probably would. You probably wouldn't be able to copy from one HDD to the other.
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You probably wouldn't be able to copy from one HDD to the other.
We manage that OK in HDR-FOXland.

Not sure why the OP thinks "PVR" = USB storage device. In case there is any doubt: PVR = Personal Video Recorder.
As a test I've managed the following:
Plugged two USB drives into a 2000T, one powered the other unpowered. Both are recognised by the Humax. Recognised video files can definately be copied from one external drive to the other from the Humax menu. Both drives are available to the ftp interface as well.
If you really want to use a USB drive connected to the Humax as a storage device - you can probably ftp any files from your computer to any of the places available (ie. the three directories on the Humax disk + the other two drives). You will not necessarily be able to move non-audio/visual/picture files around from the Humax menu.
Thanks to Luke, Black Hole & EEPhil for support.
Luke's experiences with Storage devices most closely match my intentions.
This case is a bit "Little knowledge, Dangerous thing". I run a HDR-1800T with a Seagate 1TB extHDD(USB) connected to the single USB socket on Humax rear. I wanted to increase storage by a significant amount and reasoned that the first thing I needed was more USB sockets; hence buy an HDR-2000T.
- Now, as I gain more information, it seems that I could plug a [3rd party] USB Hub into the Humax 1800T USB socket?.
I could then plug in <2TB ExtHDDs. I don't know if the number of <2TB ExtHDDs has any limit?.
I could [alternatively] plug in >2TB ExtHDD(USB) with <2TB partitions installed. I read somewhere that there is a limit of 4 partitions?.
--- Any observations on the 1800T option would be most welcome
- Now, as I gain more information, it seems that I could plug a [3rd party] USB Hub into the Humax 1800T USB socket?.
I could then plug in <2TB ExtHDDs. I don't know if the number of <2TB ExtHDDs has any limit?.
I would guess there will be a limit but I don't know what it is; the absolute limit from the USB standard will be 127 but I expect other issues will significantly reduce that number. Certainly you will need to provide external power to the drives when you have more than one (or maybe two) connected.
A powered USB hub certainly works to multiply available ports on HD-FOX and HDR-FOX, I see no reason to think the same would not apply on HDR1800T/2000T. You could also increase the capacity by using drives up to 2TB, including replacing the internal one.

However, as so often mentioned, how much telly can anyone actually watch? If it's so important to store, you also have to think about a backup policy. IMO, good housekeeping is better than just adding storage space for the crap you can't be bothered to sort through.
Thanks to Martin, BlackHole & EEPhil for ongoing support.
EEPhil special thanks for taking the time to run an experiment to prove function of HDD connection practice [mail#6]. You also mention FTP for managing data. I've not come across this facility. For this, and who knows what else, I think I'd better run through the newbie files that appear in Black Hole's header.
FYI. I've been looking at HDDs. 2TB units seem to be sticking at ~£50. 4TB in the ~£95-110 area and 6TB ~£110-130 ish. There are some 4 and 6 units hovering around the ~£80 and ~£100. Some units are referred to as Expansion, while others use Backup. I don't know if this refers to what sort of duty-cycle: Expansion being daily use while Backup is used every week or so.
Hoping you all avoid the Lurgii.
4TB in the ~£95-110 area and 6TB ~£110-130 ish.
You cannot use the full capacity of any drive over 2TB without GPT (instead of MBR), or at least some fancy footwork with block sizes. It is very unlikely 1800T/2000T is GPT-capable, the HDR-FOX can do it only through custom firmware.

Things Every... (click) is not, in general, applicable to anything other than HDR-FOX or HD-FOX, but see section 12.