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HDR _FOX--T2 Disk Problems

These continuing problems look like something unreliable about the disk subsystem, speaking from a distance. I would check the connections to the installed disk thoroughly, format it again (with the external disk not connected), reinstall everything, run it for a few days (external disk still not connected), check it's not getting hot, and if nothing falls over in that time re-introduce the external drive.

If things fall over again, I reckon you may have a legitimate warranty claim. This has not ruled out the possibility that the motherboard disk interface is faulty...
Thanks for suggestions BH and M L. I'll run fix-disk tomorrow. Since reformatting it last night it seems to have been running OK as it recorded three progs tonite while we were out. Is fix-disk non destuctive or could I fing I've lost a recording?
Since I got the disk from Amazon and I'm a Prime member I think I'll be OK if I decide to replace.
If you've got 376 errors on a new disk already then it's defective and you should send it back.
It would also help if you posted some evidence and wrote in properly structured sentences explaining exactly what you are talking about.
It would also help if you ........ and wrote in properly structured sentences explaining exactly what you are talking about.
That sounds like BH talking. What's wrong with oldpaul's post other than a horrible Americanism, a typo and arguably a missing comma.:duel:
A lof of it is just non-specific waffle which makes it hard for anyone to understand exactly what he's going on about. It's easier just to skip the message. Take from that what you will.
As a general observation anybody who wants help should make it easy for those in a position to help, but sometimes people are just doing the best they can. Which still doesn't mean I can necessarily be bothered to decode it.
Thank you to every one who has offered comments and suggestions! I admit that I might try to shorten descriptions and long words as typing is not my natural habitat. Also I miss having a spellcheck running in this forum as you type.
To quicky summarise, replaced 1GB disk with high uncorectable error counts with new 2GB Seagate and formatted it with Hummy system.
All appeared OK with running old disk via USB. 3 days ago it started to fault again with system indicating it was recording but no data being written to disk.
Hummy HDD test indicated Error 8. Ran Hummy format (twice) and still had Error 8.
Found that HDR had recovered its functionality and was recording, playing back and pausing programs OK.
Have spent this morning running fixdisk in Maintenance Mode and have got really terrible results.
Disk diag. said that disk Current Pending Sector count was 376 and Offline Uncorrectable was also 376.
Ran Fixdisk in the end twice as I was unable to capture all it's output from PuTTY as it seemed to fall off the top as it went on. It seemed to find a large number of problems as data kept streaming past. So much that Putty doen't seem to keep it all.
The second time I was ready for it and paused it at each Question point to capture the output.
As a result this is the current Disk Diagnostics Output.
SATA Version is    SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is    Fri Oct 7 14:43:55 2016 BST
SMART support is    Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is    Enabled
ID    Name    Flags    Raw Value    Value    Worst    Threshold    Life Left    Notes
1    Raw_Read_Error_Rate    POSR--    123301445    108    093    006      -
3    Spin_Up_Time    PO----    0    096    096    000      -
4    Start_Stop_Count    -O--CK    33    100    100    020    100%    -
5    Reallocated_Sector_Ct    PO--CK    24    100    100    036    100%    -
7    Seek_Error_Rate    POSR--    973772    100    253    030      -
9    Power_On_Hours    -O--CK    85    100    100    000    100%    -
10    Spin_Retry_Count    PO--C-    0    100    100    097    100%    -
12    Power_Cycle_Count    -O--CK    25    100    100    020    100%    -
184    End-to-End_Error    -O--CK    0    100    100    099      -
187    Reported_Uncorrect    -O--CK    94    006    006    000      -
188    Command_Timeout    -O--CK    8590065666    100    100    000      -
189    High_Fly_Writes    -O-RCK    0    100    100    000      -
190    Airflow_Temperature_Cel    -O---K    52    048 (52°C)    045 (55°C)    045 (55°C)      In_the_past
191    G-Sense_Error_Rate    -O--CK    0    100    100    000      -
192    Power-Off_Retract_Count    -O--CK    23    100    100    000    100%    -
193    Load_Cycle_Count    -O--CK    34    100    100    000    100%    -
194    Temperature_Celsius    -O---K    52    052    055    000      -
197    Current_Pending_Sector    -O--C-    360    098    098    000      -
198    Offline_Uncorrectable    ----C-    360    098    098    000      -
199    UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    -OSRCK    0    200    200    000      -
Self-test logs
No.    Description    Status    Remaining    When    First Error LBA
# 1    Short offline    Completed: read failure    80%    83    0
# 2    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    83    0
# 3    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    83    0
# 4    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    83    0
# 5    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    83    3193187544
# 6    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    0
# 7    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    0
# 8    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    0
# 9    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    0
#10    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    3198430416
#11    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    81    3193187536
#12    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    72    3193187536
#13    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    72    3193187536
#14    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    72    3193187536
#15    Short offline    Completed: read failure    90%    72    3193187536
#16    Short offline    Completed without error    00%    4    -
Unfortunately the nicely formatted display won't copy, just gives the stripped-out data.
However the Re- allocated Sector count has now reached 24 and is red flagged as well as
the current Pending Sector and Offline Uncorrectable neither which seem to have been affected by fixdisk.
I have three files which I've attached showing the stages of output from fixdisk.
The first is HDR Fox T2 rerun 2.txt followed by 3 and 4.
To my untutored eye these suggest that the disk is seriously corrupt and apparently uncorrectable.
However the HDR seems to think it's OK and is recording, storeing and pausing as normal!

Questions: Why does fixdisk think it's not partitioned so it has to recreate the partition table?
Is there any chance that using the Format GPT option (which isn't mention on the Maintenance Page) might fix the disk before doing a Hummy format?
Should I just give up and return the disk as fauly to Amazon and get a replacement?

I hope this reaches the high standards and specifics of prpr's comments!
Please accept the apologies of an 84 year old who'se been in this game since 1950, pre-Unix or any other operating system! We had to carve out our systems from the solid germanium! (GEC Research in the early 50's was pulling Germanium single crystal ingots up t0 15-20 kg in weight). Even still had to use valves as late as 1960 in Industrial weighing system! As for what was used in the first Magnox Powerstation to control the core loading and unloading systems you'd shudder to know!
So my first 'hard' disk was about 20Mb! Shades of things past, we had to trim code by hand to get it into 1kb eproms.
So with respect I've been around the block a bit and my site name is a fact.


Last edited by a moderator:
I hope this reaches the high standards and specifics of prpr's comments!
Would be even better if you put the listing in a [ code] [/code] frame.:) Put the [ code] operator (without the space between the [ and the c)just before the listing and the [/code] operator at the end. You can, if you want to, edit your last post to do this. Using this method preserves the formatting etc. and takes up less space in the post.
Is this your new disk fitted into the box that you are referring to here, or is it your old one?
If it's the new one, send it back for a replacement. That will 'prove' the disk itself.
To quicky summarise, replaced 1GB disk with high uncorectable error counts with new 2GB Seagate and formatted it with Hummy system.
All appeared OK with running old disk via USB. 3 days ago it started to fault again with system indicating it was recording but no data being written to disk.
Hummy HDD test indicated Error 8. Ran Hummy format (twice) and still had Error 8.
Found that HDR had recovered its functionality and was recording, playing back and pausing programs OK.
Have spent this morning running fixdisk in Maintenance Mode and have got really terrible results.
Disk diag. said that disk Current Pending Sector count was 376 and Offline Uncorrectable was also 376.
Ran Fixdisk in the end twice as I was unable to capture all it's output from PuTTY as it seemed to fall off the top as it went on. It seemed to find a large number of problems as data kept streaming past. So much that Putty doen't seem to keep it all.
I think you have done as much as is reasonable on a new disk. There is clearly something wrong with it and I suggest you return it. In my experience Amazon are usually very helpful about returns.