HDR Fox T2 - EPG blank in web interface


New Member
I'm running custom firmware 3.10. The EPG in the web interface does not show any listings (screenshot attached) but works normally when viewing it on the TV screen. I cannot see any settings to adjust to try to fix this. Can anyone help?



  • Capture.JPG
    110.4 KB · Views: 23
Have you checked which favourites group the EPG settings in the Web-If is set to?
If it is set to a favourites group that is now empty that will achieve a blank Web-If EPG identical to your screenshot.
I find this happening quite a lot on one of my machines (no favourites involved). What I have to do is go into Maintenance Mode and run "clear persistent EPG data" from the Telnet menu. After that it will need a bit of time to reload the EPG data from the broadcast stream.