See attached image for the 4kalign output.
The next problem I have is that I ftp'd the programmes back onto the new hard disk, that I copied off before the disk failed, but I cannot play them, it comes up with a message saying "This channel is scrambled or not available".
Are they lost forever, or is there something I can do to play them again?
I have got the auto-decrypt packaged installed now, which wasn't on there before I copied them off, does that make a difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
See attached image for the 4kalign output.
The next problem I have is that I ftp'd the programmes back onto the new hard disk, that I copied off before the disk failed, but I cannot play them, it comes up with a message saying "This channel is scrambled or not available".
Are they lost forever, or is there something I can do to play them again?
I have got the auto-decrypt packaged installed now, which wasn't on there before I copied them off, does that make a difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated.