Nowhere. /tmp is a temporary filesystem in RAM.
While we're on the (off-)topic, how much RAM does the HDR Fox T2 have anyway? I'm gonna guess something low like 64MB or 128MB without cheating and looking at a spec sheet.
Nowhere. /tmp is a temporary filesystem in RAM.
humax# cat /proc/cmdline
root=/dev/mtdblock0 ro mem=128M macaddr=DC:D3:21:xx:xx:xx console=ttyS0,115200 bcmsata2=1
So it seems that the 128MB is available to the general-purpose OS while the 64MB might be separately addressable and perhaps assigned to the co-processor modules in the BCM7405 for DVB demux and video processor buffering.The BCM7405 includes one primary 64-/32-/16-bit memory controller, which supports UMA configurations, and an optional 32-/16-bit which supports non-UMA configurations. ...
By using 32/16 non-UMA mode, the BCM7405 can support 64+32 MB (96 MB), when 64 MB is connected to the 32-bit interface and 32 MB is connected to 16-bit interface. The 128+64 MB (192 MB) device configuration can also be supported by the BCM7405 when 128 MB is hooked up to the 32-bit interface and 64 MB is connected to the 16-bit interface.
That sounds very plausible to me.So it seems that the 128MB is available to the general-purpose OS while the 64MB might be separately addressable and perhaps assigned to the co-processor modules in the BCM7405 for DVB demux and video processor buffering.