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HDR T2 Crash Notification?


Recently SWMBO decided to have an ironing/watching Corrie marathon. Mistakenly she deleted an episode she'd only partially watched. She found some episodes in the [Deleted Files] folder but they were encrypted and wouldn't play, she was watching over the network using a client HD T2 so that didn't surprise me. She also said that the [Deleted Files] folder didn't contain any of the episodes she had intended to delete.
I logged in to the web-if and saw that the box had crashed about 48 hours earlier, so assumed that undelete had been disabled (along with other packages). Are my thoughts on what happened correct?

I don't use the web-if very often, so is there an alternative way of being notified of a crash so I know I need to run fix-flash?
I logged in to the web-if and saw that the box had crashed about 48 hours earlier, so assumed that undelete had been disabled (along with other packages). Are my thoughts on what happened correct?
I would assume so.
I don't use the web-if very often, so is there an alternative way of being notified of a crash so I know I need to run fix-flash?
I made the suggestion to put a notification on the Webif only a couple of days ago. Don't know how else you might be notified.

You can turn off the package disable on crash by running the "plugin_autodisable/off" diagnostic.
I would assume so.

I made the suggestion to put a notification on the Webif only a couple of days ago. Don't know how else you might be notified.

You can turn off the package disable on crash by running the "plugin_autodisable/off" diagnostic.

I was thinking along the lines of some sort of pop-up when you next view something, but have no idea whether that's possible .

I understand why some packages are disabled after a crash, the CFW seems very reliable so what are the risks of running the command above?
The problem is that although rare, the consequences are severe. If a CF fault did cause a reboot loop, it would be a bugger to regain control.
Perhaps it would be sensible to implement some sort of decrementing crash counter where it disables package on hitting zero. At the moment the initial value is effectively 1, but it would be useful if it could be something higher.
Then you would not have the annoyance of packages being disabled for a one off crash, but wouldn't be stuck in an endless crash-reboot loop either.
That's a good idea. For now I've implemented a flag so that the packages are only disabled if there are two crashes in quick succession. It should reduce the number of people who are affected.
Just a thought - has anyone considered what could be happening to the hard disk when these boxes crash?
Well, without the custom firmware the hard disk is just abruptly power cycled without any filesystem syncing. With custom firmware pending writes are at least flushed to disk.
Just a thought - has anyone considered what could be happening to the hard disk when these boxes crash?

What is the difference between a restart after a crash and a power on, or is there any?

The reason I ask this is that when the you tube problem caused my box to crash, and subsequently when the hdr restarted I pressed media button and it remembered the recording I watched last prior to the crash (edit I could be wrong, but I can't reproduce a crash now).

When I restart from boot/power on,then press the media button it goes to the first folder in my media list.

Could there be a cookie somewhere that saves the last viewed settings

Fortunately my box doesn't crash now so I can't check if there is any difference !