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Help, got no auto functions.


I've noticed that my box has not run any auto functions for quite a while.
I looked at the auto log and it has not done anything since the 13th. I think I run fix disk from the telnet about that time.
I've tried everything including removing all custom firmware and reinstalling but still nothing. Now it does not seem to have series filer working either.
Any suggestions? Is there a way to run the auto functions on request?
Viewing the Cronstabs file it has both lines for series filer and WebIF auto.

0 2 * * * /mod/sbin/anacron -s -d
*/10 * * * * /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto >/dev/null 2>&1
0,15,30,45 * * * * /mod/sbin/seriesfiler > /mod/tmp/seriesfiler.log 2>&1

Web interface version: 1.0.2​
Custom firmware version: 2.16 (build 1691)​
Humax Version: 1.02.32​

Thank you.
If the Humax reboots (or is caused to reboot) within 30 seconds of start-up, the CF disables some functions in case they caused a crash which resulted in the reboot. Try running the fix-flash-packages diagnostic.

Of course, this might not be your problem.
You can run the process by hand from the command line interface:

humax# tail -f /mod/tmp/auto.log &
humax# /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto

The first line starts showing the end of the log file in the background and the second one runs the automatic process.
You might want to increase the auto logging level through the web interface settings screen first..
Try running the fix-flash-packages diagnostic.
Thanks tried that but it did not help.

You can run the process by hand from the command line interface:

humax# tail -f /mod/tmp/auto.log &
Got no such file or directory (I had removed the log file from the WebIF)
tail : no files

humax# /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto
Got : runtime error : /mod/webif/lib/bin/auto:21: /mod/tmp/auto.log: No such file or directory at "/mod/webif/lib/bin/auto" line 21

So I'm guessing some file is corrupt and is not removed when all firmware is un-installed. Not sure though.

Thanks again.
Can you try:

humax# touch /mod/tmp/auto.log

Is it possible that you don't have a directory on the system called /mod/tmp? That would be unusual.
If you run the general diagnostic, do all tests pass?
Can you try:

humax# touch /mod/tmp/auto.log

Is it possible that you don't have a directory on the system called /mod/tmp? That would be unusual.
If you run the general diagnostic, do all tests pass?

I got no such file or directory.
Yes I 'cd /mod' and then 'ls' and /tmp is not there.
Yes it passes all the tests in the general diagnostic.

So I 'mkdir /mod/tmp' then I run '/mod/webif/lib/bin/auto' and that seemed to work.
Maybe it'll run by it's self now.
Thanks for all the help.
I thought the custom firmware environment would have recreated the missing directory on boot but it seems it doesn't. You've prompted a change for the next custom firmware version : )

Glad it's sorted for you.