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Help Needed Please ref HDR foxt2


New Member
Hi all,i haved owned two hdr foxt2 from new and never tried customising them.looking around your forum they can be adapted to do many different things. Does any know if it is possibe to create a search on mp3s? I have thousands of tracks stored on the hdr foxt2 and at present i have to trawl through tracks to find one in particular. A search would be so handy to me. I have my hdr foxt2 set up to my hifi system and play all my mp3s from it. Thanks for reading.
Does any know if it is possibe to create a search on mp3s?

If you want to search titles and tags of MP3 files using the WebIF as an interface - possible: yes. If you want to then make any particular MP3 file play through the TV or the HDR-FOX audio outputs (HDMI, SCART, Phono, or optical), the answer is no.

See Quick Guide to Custom Firmware (click), FAQ section:

I would like some Custom Firmware modifications that alter the way the HDR-FOX displays things on the TV

Not possible, no can do. The HDR-FOX (and HD-FOX) hardware (ie the electronics) is a "black box" - ie a mystery to us, hidden inside some very large scale integrated circuits with documentation Humax keep to themselves. We can guess the general architecture of what's inside, but not the detail. To compound the problem, the Humax software (which we can inspect) that operates the mystery hardware is also an undocumented lump of binary.

The consequence is that we have no access to the video and audio streams sent out on the HDMI, SCART, and RCA socket, or the graphics overlays, and cannot affect them except in very limited indirect ways (one rare example being substituting our own set of digit graphics for the screensaver clock). So, do not ask for anything that needs to present output on-screen (eg a better photo album or MP3 player, or the ability to play a currently incompatible media file type).

What has been achieved with Custom Firmware is to provide a way in to the HDR-FOX's open source operating system so that our own applications can be run alongside the Humax application. These applications have access to everything the operating system has access to - ie networking, file system, and process status. With a very few rare exceptions, everything the CF does is by manipulating the files and file system, with command and control via a web browser or command line interface over the network.

If you feel you really would like some tweak to the hardware output, please feel free to analyse how the hardware actually works and let us know (in detail) which parts of the Humax code need changing (and to what).
Hi Black Hole,Thanks for your response it answers my question.I will seek a mp3 player for hifi's instead. I must say this its says your from Machen. I grew up in Machen and went to Bedwas school,I found that funny as i now live in Warwick. Thanks Again
Did you study weeding and whiting? :D Sorry, couldn't resist it! No offence intended.
Ah, those are the two transmitters I receive from. I could also receive Wenvoe if I wanted. It doesn't reveal exactly my location at all. The Mynydd Machen transmitter is line-of-site over quite an area.
Ah, those are the two transmitters I receive from. I could also receive Wenvoe if I wanted. It doesn't reveal exactly my location at all. The Mynydd Machen transmitter is line-of-site over quite an area.
AH got it,thanks now i feel a prat, i should have known better. thanks again