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How do I make a recursive decryption for the whole My Video folder?


So I've had another HDR Fox T2 for about a week now. The idea is partially it's a backup if the other one dies, but more to the point a specialised one for the missus so it has all the shows she likes on there on a shorter list and avoids recording clashes etc.

Anyway the point is, when I try and stream certain shows (mostly BBC HD stuff from ONE and TWO) neither the second box nor my HTPC can play the files most likely as they're still decrypted - recent stuff like Cleaning Up from ITV HD works as it was already decrypted as part of the [chaseget] [detectads] settings while recording (love this feature).

I now need to somehow get a recursive decryption for every recording on the box which seamlessly scans for anything not yet decrypted (which seems to include some recent Would I Lie To You? episodes suggesting I don't have the [auto-decrypt] for any non-advert channels set correctly) and if it's been decrypted leave it, if it hasn't then decrypt it and replace the original recording with the decrypted version. It's probably easy to do but with 2TB of content to scan through I'd rather get it right first time than be disappointed later, do you see what I mean?


EDIT: That's weird, I just used the webif to decrypt the Six Nations game from yesterday (Wales v England) that wasn't playing on the HTPC via Kodi or the second HDR Fox T2 and it's still not working on either?
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You can enable recursive decryption at the top level directory then let it run, that's what most of us do. Go to the file browser and click the OPT+ button to the right of the folder name, then choose Recursive Auto-Decrypt from the drop-down menu, see picture below.


Monitor it via the Queue screen

Thank you af123, super useful. I've set both boxes up properly for auto (and process existing) recording functions now.

Slight problem though - I had assumed the issue was with the [foxlink] package, however now I've manually shared the two boxes together with [network-shares-automount] - when they're both on and accessing each others shares via the NFS USB method, both suddenly report full hard drives and automatically fail any recordings. The share path is mnt_hd2_My Video - how can I avoid this issue? I'd rather both boxes can see each other's content this way at once rather than only one or the other. Please note this is only on the settop UI, the webif is still reporting the drives correctly.
Have you also installed the auto-unprotect package to remove the copy restriction flags from HD recordings?
I now need to somehow get a recursive decryption for every recording on the box
Decryption Guide (click) Method 2, also linked to from Things Every... (click) section 5.

when they're both on and accessing each others shares via the NFS USB method, both suddenly report full hard drives and automatically fail any recordings.
This is definitely a potential problem with foxlink, but I suspect NFS may be the common factor - I don't have any trouble using SMB. However, if you have chosen the share folder option in the [modsettings]... don't. Although it might seem convenient to find the mount in the normal media tree, it can cock up the box's space calculations.
Have you also installed the auto-unprotect package to remove the copy restriction flags from HD recordings?

Yes indeed, wish I'd set the box up properly 18 months ago though as the list of things to decrypt is well over 500 items and some things are marked INTERRUPTED and the box locked up a few hours ago (no picture, no response to remote, no response to telnet etc), coincidentally around the time the laptop I was using to monitor it entered sleep mode.

This is definitely a potential problem with foxlink, but I suspect NFS may be the common factor - I don't have any trouble using SMB. However, if you have chosen the share folder option in the [modsettings]... don't. Although it might seem convenient to find the mount in the normal media tree, it can cock up the box's space calculations.

Maybe that's what it was... both boxes set to path right to My Video. Weird that a USB mount can throw off internal HDD space predictions. To be fair mounting the HTPC NFS shares gives some weird nearly 4TB free prediction on the USB media part of the UI when both drives have less than 200GB spare between them (one 5TB drive, one 4TB drive) wonder what causes that.
Weird that a USB mount can throw off internal HDD space predictions.
Not really - the OEM firmware was never designed or tested to cope with this kind of thing. It scans the file tree into which you've added external mounts, scans those too... and finds more recordings than should fit on the disk.

It's not impossible to set up an infinite regression - that would really upset the DLNA indexer!

To be fair mounting the HTPC NFS shares gives some weird nearly 4TB free prediction on the USB media part of the UI when both drives have less than 200GB spare between them.
Who knows - you could be hitting wrap-around in the internal number representation for example.
I have a few followup questions about all this based on tweaking the settings on the box and getting some unexpected results (for example recordings in the My Video root folder being renamed after the first lines in the HMT's description, such as a Six Nations Wales vs England game being renamed The 2019 Six Nations continues with live.ts and the episode name in the file also reflecting this).

The way I want it to work is thus :- the box to record the episode and detect ads while recording and set bookmarks, then decyption afterwards. On the root of the My Video folder in the webif I have it set for Recursive Auto-Decrypt and Auto DetectAds. The packages installed for this are [chaseget] and [detectads] as you'd expect, with the latter set thus :-


The idea is source file is deleted, end of ads are bookmarked, then the recording is scheduled for decryption, and only the completed decrypted and ad bookmarked file remains. I did have [chasedecrypt] installed but as I don't need it to decrypt while recording I removed it today (the weird renaming of .ts files seemed to happen around the time I installed it which was pretty recently).

Can I just check these settings are correct, or if not what have I done wrong? The box recorded a few episodes of Friends a couple of hours ago on Channel 5 HD and ads were detected but seemed like post-recording (say 30 minutes after recording ended the ads still weren't marked) and both played on my Android phone so I know they decrypted. I had a couple of random crashes which prompted me to check here in case.

EDIT: Oh while I'm here, I changed the name of the [Flatview] folder to [New Recordings] but the old folder with month old episodes still remains. How do I get rid of it without deleting the actual recordings within?
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The idea is source file is deleted, end of ads are bookmarked, then the recording is scheduled for decryption
Why? Ad detection has to decrypt before it can actually do the ad detection, so you don't need to decrypt again!

Chase decryption & ad detection is enabled or disabled using the radio button in the detect-ads settings (as per the top line in your illustration). I'm not aware of a "chasedecrypt" package - I suspect you have removed the chaseget package, which is a "not for the user to fiddle with" core utility and not necessarily only used by detectads. I have no idea what damage you might have done by removing it - I suggest you turn off your advanced packages view immediately to prevent further temptation (any package listed in blue is not fair game)!

As for your file renaming, there's something else going on you haven't told us about - that looks like the synopsis has ended up in the file name field, which will be something to do with sweeper or dedup.

Trying to run before you've learned to walk?
Chasedecrypt is in the advanced packages list and was only developed for those interested in streaming BBC programmes whilst recording - It was never intended as a replacement for normal decryption
If you don't want detectads processing during recording then turn on the 'Automatically process after decryption' option.

You need to look at Dedup or Sweeper for renaming problems - none of the other packages would ever change the names (other than a suffix)
Provided the recordings haven't been shrunk it is possible to recover the original recording names (cropping by detectads does shrink recordings in the process)
Why? Ad detection has to decrypt before it can actually do the ad detection, so you don't need to decrypt again!

Ah yes I forgot about that... silly me.

I'm not aware of a "chasedecrypt" package - I suspect you have removed the chaseget package, which is a "not for the user to fiddle with" core utility and not necessarily only used by detectads. I have no idea what damage you might have done by removing it - I suggest you turn off your advanced packages view immediately to prevent further temptation (any package listed in blue is not fair game)!

As MymsMan said, it's in the advanced packages list :-


I don't need the function he described and try not to overload the HDR with packages so I removed it. Chaseget is still present and correct, as you said it doesn't need to be removed nor should it.

As for your file renaming, there's something else going on you haven't told us about - that looks like the synopsis has ended up in the file name field, which will be something to do with sweeper or dedup.
You need to look at Dedup or Sweeper for renaming problems - none of the other packages would ever change the names (other than a suffix)

A-ha. It would have been dedup then, I've gotten rid of that as well. All sweeper is configured to do is put anything which has "film" as genre into a dedicated movies folder.

Trying to run before you've learned to walk?

More trying to make sure everything is set up as I want it, everything runs smooth (i.e. it doesn't take half a minute to get back to the root of the My Video folder from the settop UI), recordings don't fail or glitch up because of outside influence or poorly configured CFW settings, and most importantly the box doesn't lock up or crash. There's a hell of a lot more power with the CFW on the HDR Fox T2 than there was on the Foxsat HDR and I think I've been ignorant of a lot of it, bringing myself up to speed really!

Provided the recordings haven't been shrunk it is possible to recover the original recording names (cropping by detectads does shrink recordings in the process)

Yeah I used to have the HDR Fox T2 crop ads out of recordings when I first got it. I found it took a while, pushed the box really hard, introduced little video glitches and sometimes failed, so I decided bookmarks on the end of breaks was absolutely fine and it's quicker/easier for the box to handle.