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How To Manage All Your Series Links?


New Member
Sorry for the noob question, just got my first HDR-FOX-T2. I've obviously set up a number of series links but I can't find any way of managing them. On other PVR boxes, there's normally a screen that lists all your series links, let's you order them for priority and delete them etc. Also useful if you want to check that you've actually got a given programme linked even if there's no upcoming episodes.

Is there such a screen?
Thanks for the reply, I'm aware of that screen but that just shows scheduled/upcoming instances of recordings though right? It doesn't show the series links themselves and if there weren't any upcoming episodes you wouldn't see a given series link you've created.
I'm aware of that screen but that just shows scheduled/upcoming instances of recordings though right?

It shows
  • a row for entering manual timers at the top
  • it shows individual programmes that have been scheduled - if there are none then it wont show any
  • it shows series that have been scheduled. Where there is more than 1 programme to be recorded in the epg for the series to see the programmes highlight the row and follow the on screen instructions (which say "press the Right Button for more episodes") - if there are none then it wont show any
  • and at the bottom it shows your scheduled series that have no programmes to record in the next 7/8 days - if there are no such series then it wont show any
Thanks for the reply, I'm aware of that screen but that just shows scheduled/upcoming instances of recordings though right?
No that isn't right. Below the scheduled recordings will be a list of all the series recordings that don't currently have the next episode scheduled. They will stay in the list until 13 weeks after the last episode or until manually deleted.
It would be nice if we could assign priorities, but I don't believe we can?

I've always thought it odd that the Humax says things like "conflicted with a higher priority recording" when there is no way to control priority.
I think the wording "higher priority" is incorrect. "Existing" would be a better word.
If I remember correctly the message pops up when you try to set up third recording.
It won't let you actually set that event up unless you remove or change one of the existing ones.
I suppose it is saying that the exiting recordings are higher priority because they are already set.
I suppose it is saying that the exiting recordings are higher priority because they are already set.

Would that be based on the time the recording is set? (I.e is it based on the time the scheduled event first appeared in the schedule and not the actual time the recording is due to start?)

It would be nice if we could assign priorities, but I don't believe we can?

If a series was a priority you could try to check the schedule before you power off the box and deleting then restoring important series may ensure they had higher priorities. That would be cumbersome and if you would not work when the box automatically powers up records then schedules a new installment of a series and you were not there!

Alternatively if this was a big issue for you might post a feature request in the cf forum.. the power-on package might be the place, It might be able to be changed to check the schedule before power down and change the time the series link was set increasing its priority in case there was a conflict?? Or recmon might do it?
I think the wording "higher priority" is incorrect. "Existing" would be a better word.
If I remember correctly the message pops up when you try to set up third recording.
It won't let you actually set that event up unless you remove or change one of the existing ones.
I suppose it is saying that the exiting recordings are higher priority because they are already set.

It pops up if you are viewing the box and third, correctly scheduled, recording wants to begin but two others are still recording. This happens due to late running progs.
It's common.
It's annoying.

If no action is taken at the prompt, and presumably if the box is not being viewed, then the existing recordings take priority and the 'new' recording has to wait until one of them finishes. This is, to my mind, the logical operation as it's generally mildly annoying to miss a few seconds or minutes at the start of a programme, but hair-shredding losing the end.

That said it would be nice to be able to mark certain progs as lower priority where I'd prefer to lose end of that than the start of another.
Failing that it would be nice to set the box not to supply the 'helpful' prompt, which just sods up what ever you are in the middle of watching, and just do the default thing.
But I don't see either of those ever becoming an option from Humax.
I find the +1 channels help enormously in avoiding potential conflicts (that, and having three HDRs on the go...).