I agree with you Chris, however as a coder, you will know that there are always deadlines to make. I hate giving estimates for my work, but I certainly wouldn't make it up. Instead, I try and turn it around: when do they want it by? I then make an guess as to whether I could do it in that time, working overtime if I have to. I'm sure you do something like that too.
What's happened so far is that humax produced a great new kit, but the advertisers wanted to show what it would be capable of. It was probably the advertisers who came up with the idea of a sticker on the box saying portal coming in October. This was what? A year ago? And you can't blame the advertisers for doing that, as most of us on here would have bought the machine on its promised capabilities.
For me, this is a deadline, and I personally would be working around the clock to get it done. Any changes in requirements, like what happened when the BBC wanted to do further testing is almost unavoidable, so one could expect some delays in the software due to this.
However, we're now coming up to four months late, and I dont believe its down to external requirements changes. If it were, I'd be advertising that fact continuously: "its the BBC's fault its late, not ours!"
I think that *something* should have been delivered by now. If not all of the portal, then some of it. Instead we're drip fed excuses and there is a beta testing phase going on now so late in the day that I can only assume the January deadline will be missed too. I hope I have to eat my words!