Humax dongle causing frequent restarts (i think)


New Member
I bought a HDR FOX-T2 a couple of weeks ago, set it all up and was very pleased.
I connected to my wi-fi using the Humax dongle and found that the T2 frequently rebooted.
I called Humax support who assured me it was a hardware fault and the vendor replaced the T2.
Having set up the new Humax, I found exactly the same problem – random reboots, or the T2 just shuts down. Sometimes 2-3 times in as many minutes.
Every time I exit the Humax Portal – the T2 reboots or switches off, the same happens often when accessing media on my PC. But it also just reboots at random intervals while watching TV.
Most scheduled recordings fail and the file shows Power Failure (presumably because the unit reboots within minutes of the start of recording)
If I remove the wifi dongle, the T2 does not (so far) keep rebooting or switching off.
I tried a Netgear n-spec dongle, but the T2 didn’t recognise it.

My wifi components-
I have a Billion BIPAC 7800-N router, Panasonic TXP42GT30 TV (which uses the aforementioned Netgear dongle – works perfectly), Panasonic DMP BDT220 Blu-Ray player (built-in wifi which works perfectly) and a Pure AvantiFlow radio with built-in wifi which also works perfectly.
I’ve tried Factory Reset several times to no effect.
Can also confirm latest firmware update.

This would be a great bit of kit if only I can sort out this issue with your help, so any assistance would be very much appreciated.

Unless you've had two faulty HDT-Fox T2's in a row (fairly unlikely), I would say the Humax Dongle is faulty
I used to get random reboots after streaming video over the network using dlna.
Is this what you are doing? If so, I reported it to humax well over 12 months ago.
I dont do much streaming these days, and as such do not get any random reboots anymore.
This would be a great bit of kit if only I can sort out this issue with your help, so any assistance would be very much appreciated.
Is it feasible to temporarily connect the HDR to the router using a cable? If that works then I would reject the Humax dongle and replace it with Home Plugs or the specific type of Edimax dongle known to work in the HDR.
Thanks for your replies
It reboots/switches off at random intervals irrespective of what I'm doing (even just watching any channel or going through the Guide/Portal)
Unfortunately I don't have a long enough LAN cable to test it wired

I have just tried using the Humax dongle in my Panasonic TV - it's not recognised, spec is broadly similar both being n-band
Is the Humax dongle restricted to work only with Humax products or is it a branded generic dongle? maybe that's where my problem lies

Any other suggestions mych appreciated
Have you tried using the Humax dongle with your TV, or laptop/PC to see if it works OK with them. Then you would have an idea whether the Humax dongle was the likely cause of your original problem.
Ah-ha! thanks Brian
Great minds etc :)
Can you confirm the Humax dongle should work in my TV?
As I reported above - I tried and it didn't work
The little led on the Humax dongle flashes like crazy all the time when it's plugged into the Humax - I'm guessing that pushing the WPS button has no effect (I have tried)

Thanks again
Hi Brian
My PC is now connected wirelessly using the Humax dongle running at 135mbps and all seems to be working fine...
what a pity!
Any further thoughts?

So it sounds like the Humax dongle is OK then. Perhaps someone else will have an idea what you should try next.
It reboots/switches off at random intervals irrespective of what I'm doing (even just watching any channel or going through the Guide/Portal)
Does it do that with the dongle removed? If so you may have been particularly unlucky and got two duff boxes in a row.

I have just tried using the Humax dongle in my Panasonic TV - it's not recognised, spec is broadly similar both being n-band
Is the Humax dongle restricted to work only with Humax products or is it a branded generic dongle? maybe that's where my problem lies
The HDR will only work with dongles using a specific chipset as those are the only drivers compiled into the HDR kernel. The TV might be similar but targeting a different chipset.
Thanks for your help Brian - thought we'd cracked it with the dongle - i've ordered a Trixes WiFi Wireless USB Adaptor Fast 150MBPS Dongle as others here have had success and thought i may as well give it a try for £7.65

The only thing that springs to mind is some sort of possible wi-fi network conflict.
With the dongle removed from the T2, it hasn't rebooted or switched off once, so the dongle is involved in some way...
all the best
Hi Martin and thanks - once again today I've answered the question before it's been asked! I'm def doing the lotto tonite!!
But the Humax dongle worked fine in my PC
Do you have 'Content Sharing' turned on in the Humax menus? If so, try turning that off for a while. That is the part of the Humax software most likely to cause crashes from what I've seen here and it may be being triggered by other devices on your network.
Thanks af123 - yes I do have it turned on - will try turning it off and report back tomorrow
out with the lads in a while
Busy day, but turned off Content Share a few hrs ago - put the dongle back in and have been playing around for a while and no reboots/restarts - so that was the cause! I can live with it turned off
A big thanks to af123 for cracking it and all who helped :)
I have seen the Humax rebooting when something "undesirable" happens on the network. I was once experimenting with DLNA servers for my Android tablet. One of the apps (can't remember the name except it was free) I downloaded would cause the Humax to reboot spontaneously whenever the app was started. No doubt it was broadcasting something on the network and the Humax took a dislike to it. I never found out exactly what the app did as I uninstalled it pretty quickly.
Busy day, but turned off Content Share a few hrs ago - put the dongle back in and have been playing around for a while and no reboots/restarts - so that was the cause! I can live with it turned off
A big thanks to af123 for cracking it and all who helped :)
If you have the time, it would be good to try and identify which device on your network is upsetting the Humax. Do you have a computer running the Pure media server software anywhere? I wouldn't have thought that either the Bluray or Avanti would cause the problem but it would be worth disconnecting them one at a time.
Thanks sooty and af
The AvantiFlow radio uses Twonky Server to stream from my PC/web - i think that may be the culprit, so I'll have a play around in the next day or two and report back.
Once again, thanks for your help esp. af123!
With my PC turned off and Content Share turned on it works fine - no reboots/restarts
I can get to and use iPlayer

So it's either Win Media Server or Twonky Server (which I use for streaming to the PURE avantiflow) that's causing the problem.
If I'm bored 1 day i'll find out and post back.
I can't think I'd want to use it, so no big deal.
Thanks to all for your help!