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Humax FVP-5000T Keeps re-booting


New Member
Switched on today, got as far as a few seconds of live TV through the Humax, then Humax re-boots.
And this cycle repeats endlessly!
No known changes since yesterday.
Usual switch everything off and wait a bit doesn't make any difference.
I've just tried that. Accepts the channel change, then screen freezes for a moment and re-boot loop starts again.
I've a feeling this happened to me earlier this year. If I remember correctly. I tried removing the aerial lead and that allowed the Humax to boot. As soon as the aerial is connected it crashed. It's possible the disk has gone read-only. When the Humax tries to write to the disk (the files allowing pause and rewind live TV) it crashes. The only way I know of to clear the problem with the 5000T is reformat the disk*.If your Humax boots without the aerial you might be able to save to a USB disk or via the network to a PC some of your saved recordings - before you reformat the disk.

(* Unless someone knows a less destructive method)
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Thank you.
I'll try it without the aerial connected, see what happens.
Of course, it doesn't give me time to get as far as any menu, and certainly not to settings, so I don't know how I could reformat the disc!
If removing the aerial allows the 5000T to boot properly, you should have as much time as you need to do anything other than watch live TV or record anything.
Sadly, it doesn't give me enough time. Best I've managed to do with repeated tries is to get as far as pressing Yes to "Do you really want to do a factory reset" - but it doesn't, it goes back into the loop.
I guess it's time for a new box.
Thanks for trying, anyway.
Open up the box and see what happens with the HDD disconnected. If it still just loops you're buggered. If not, then there is hope: external file system repair, or reformatting, or HDD replacement.

But before that, try it with network disconnected.
But before that, try it with network disconnected.
Good point. My network probably wasn't connected - well the LAN was, but not as far as the internet.

Disconnect any external influences on the disk. Aerial and network. (Might be difficult if using WiFi). If it doesn't keep rebooting try my ideas, if it does reboot go for Black Hole's.
Finally was able to key fast enough to get to the factory settings screen. This let me go all the way through the process till the final stage of just pressing ok to finish - when THAT looped. Three times.
After the third try, all the way through the factory re-set thing, it exited back to the original problem. Ten seconds vid, then reboot.
Bangs head on wall.
Tomorrow, I will buy a replacement, and consign this one to recycling.
Thank you all for your efforts to help me.
Oops, sorry, yes, I did try all your suggestions apart from opening the box - bit beyond me, as you can probably tell from my "name"!
At this point, when you are resigned to binning it, what do you have to lose? Just disconnect the HDD and see whether that stops the reboot loop.
A replacement is already on order, and that unit goes to re-cycle. Intact, so that somebody else can see if they can rescue it.
Many thanks again for all your efforts to help.
I have this very same problem, the dreaded looping. I tried without the aerial connected and I could access the recordings. I have now opened the Humax 5000T 1TB and removed the hard drive, reconnected the Humax and I can access all the programs. Could anyone please tell me now, do I just need a new hard drive to get this fully working again? If so, please could you advise which hard drive is best to buy? Thank you in advance for any advice.
I see no reason FVP-5000T should be any different than a HDR-FOX so far as HDDs go. See the section headed "choosing a replacement drive" in THIS POST, and skip through to later on in the thread for more recent comments on HDDs available these days.
thank you Black Hole for responding and providing that link. I'll go there.

Also, thank you prpr for your questions. The hard drive is Toshiba Aug 2019 DT01ABA100V 1TB. The full picture - First the Humax booted up, then after less than a minute, black screen followed by booting again, continuously looping like that. I tried it without the aerial connected and I could see all my recordings on a different source, all recordings shown as boxes, not as a list like normal. I could play the recordings. I then followed the advice on here, opened the Humax and disconnected the hard drive and reconnected to the TV with the aerial. I could then watch the TV through the Humax but obviously not record anything. This is when I came back to this thread and put my question. Sorry I didn't give enough information. Is this enough to detect where the fault lies?