Humax PVR-9150T White Screen Issue on ITV and Channe


New Member
Hey all,
I recently purchased the Humax PVR-9150T, but I’m facing an issue When accessing the Electronic Program Guide , ITV and Channel 4 are showing "No Information Available," and shows only blur white screen while all other channels display their schedules without any problems. I have already checked the antenna connection, which seems secure.

Could it be a regional broadcasting issue, or might the PVR need a software update? Any troubleshooting tips or advice to resolve this white screen issue!
Are you sure you have correctly identified the Humax model? The 9150 has not been manufactured or supported for many years. There is no method available to provide a software update even if one was available.
Assuming that you really have a 9150T, if I remember correctly this box has limited memory for the schedule - the current number of channels available far exceeds that memory. Try deleting all unwanted channels and leave on BBC1 for a while (maybe a long while!) and see if it improves.
If you recently purchased a 9150T it's second hand and probably over 13 years old. Chances are it's no longer fit for purpose.
Assuming that you really have a 9150T, if I remember correctly this box has limited memory for the schedule - the current number of channels available far exceeds that memory. Try deleting all unwanted channels and leave on BBC1 for a while (maybe a long while!) and see if it improves.
If you recently purchased a 9150T it's second hand and probably over 13 years old. Chances are it's no longer fit for purpose.
Unfortunately, if that is the cause, then just deleting channels will not fix the issue. "Deleting" channels and it still behaves exactly the same due to the channels not being actually deleted, but still lurking in the background with the 9150T still try to store the epg for those channels.

The way to stop the PVR-9150T being aware of channels is to reset (tuning down the offer to reformat the HDD), and then use manual tuning but not to tune into all muxes.

Try deleting all unwanted channels and leave on BBC1 for a while (maybe a long while!) and see if it improves.
That will help for BBC1 and any channels on the same mux, but only temporarily.
I can only say deleting unwanted channels worked for me on the 9150T.
Populating the EPG - how many times have I read here and on other sites to switch to a BBC channel and leave resulting in the EPG filling up? Empirical data suggests that this works.
It makes no difference which channel you switch to. The EPG information is transmitted the same for all services on all muxes,
Deleting everything apart from services on 1 or 2 muxes may, or may not, make things better. It depends how the software has been implemented and what it does with the information on services from un-tuned muxes.
might the PVR need a software update?
Possibly that is also a factor. Initially the 9150T didn't attempt to store the epg between startups, and would start off with a totally blank epg each time you switched it out of standby and take 9 minutes to populate it as best it could (which prior to 2012 was the whole epg from at least 1 transmitter).
Which software version are you on? Should be 1.00.23 or later. The main one was 1.00.26 but some kept it on 1.00.23, or reverted back to 1.00.23 as 1.00.26 would cause a recording failure if 2 episodes for a series were broadcast consecutively.
To update the software you would need to find an old owner who has the software and can share it with you, and then update the unit via a serial port using a PC. If your PC hasn't a serial port there are USB/serial adapters. Although back in 2009 I updated the similar 9300T using a serial port I can't currently remember which controlling software I used, but I think it was inbuilt into windows XP.

It makes no difference which channel you switch to. The EPG information is transmitted the same for all services on all muxes,
Yes, the full epg for the transmitter is transmitted on every multiplex from the transmitter, but on the PVR-9000Ts it does make a difference to the storing of the full 7 day epg, especially with the limit to how many entries the PVR-9000T series can store.

Before the memory issue arose the PVR-9000T series usually took two rounds of the carousel to store the entire 7 day epg, with the exception of when the channel being watched was form the SDN multiples which often would take a bit longer, (and I think some reported other non-BBC multiplexes were also reported to take longer than 9 minutes).

After the memory issue arose there were multiple user reports that a PVR-9000T tuned to the full set of SD multiplexes (i.e. not Freeview lite) the unit would favour the current multiplex and remove a stored entry for an event from a different multiplex when it came across another entry it wanted to store.

What this meant was that if you wanted to search, or set an AR schedule entry, for a programme which you knew would be on a particular multiplex you could tune to a channel on that multiplex, and then after 9 minutes use the search function or set a recording timer for that programme.

I can only say deleting unwanted channels worked for me on the 9150T.
Are you sure about that? There were a few reports of people, instead of missing out a mux deleting channels instead, and then saying that missing out a multiplex did not work for them. Perhaps the 9200T did have some differences with the 9150T/9300T with respect to deleted channels and I just didn't pick up which they were referring to. Do you remember if it was possible to tune to a single multiplex and then from the found list remove channels before storing the remaining ones?

Perhaps it would be worthwhile victor-anthony deleting unwanted channels first. There are plenty of streaming channels on the SDN multiplex.
@victor-anthony Do you have any channels in the epg that are against channel number 800 or greater? If you have then that would indicate, you are also receiving from multiple transmitters which would aggravate the epg storage issues but also reduce the reliability of timers working.

Deleting everything apart from services on 1 or 2 muxes may, or may not, make things better. It depends how the software has been implemented and what it does with the information on services from un-tuned muxes.
It does make things better. There were a lot of reports of that only tuning into just 1 transmitter and omitting a multiplex resulted in an immediate fix to the issue, albeit with a reducing range of available channels to watch.
I had a 9200T which I used, and a 9300T (which is even more similar to a 9150T), and they both would behave fine as far as population was concerned when tuned to just 4 multiplexes, but not if I then added the 5th multiplex with the most channels. Doing that that and the epg would almost immediately start playing up, as well as some additional lag on some of the remote usage.

Also at least with least with the the 9200T manual tuning a single multiplex did not immediately remove the previous epg entries for that multiplex. This made it possible to examine what was being stored by resetting the unit, tune to just 1 multiplex, immediately removing the aerial, delete all but 1 channel, reconnect the aerial and wait for at least 9 minutes, retune the same multiplex, immediately remove the aerial to stop further epg population and then re-examining the epg.
Also then retuning to an additional multiplex and immediately removing the aerial would result in either all channels for that second multiplex not having any entries, or next to no entries depending how quick the aerial was removed after the second tuning. I.e. non-tuned multiplexes were just ignored.

Are you sure you have correctly identified the Humax model? The 9150 has not been manufactured or supported for many years.
Looking on eBay for the past 90 days there have been an average of 6 PVR-9150Ts sold each week.
The PVR-9300T, the PVR-9150T's big brother, has an average of 13 sold on eBay each week.
I recently purchased the Humax PVR-9150T, but I’m facing an issue When accessing the Electronic Program Guide , ITV and Channel 4 are showing "No Information Available," and shows only blur white screen while all other channels display their schedules without any problems.
Oops! Just re-read this.
So its not random gaps in the epg but whole channels that are missing programme details
ITV and Channel 4 are on the same multiplex, and that multiplex is regionalised.

That suggests that you are tuned to multiple transmitters, and currently watching a channel not from the transmitter that your box has decided to use for ITV and Channel 4.

The answer to that is to manually retune to just 1 transmitter.
There are some instructions at
To be on the safe side instead of deleting the channels as suggested in those instructions, an alternative would be to reset turning down the offer to format the HDD.
Also those instructions have a link to the defunct URL digitaluk web-site, instead use

Once you have done that you'll find that they will populate better, but as per the rest of this thread you will probably still have issues.
It makes no difference which channel you switch to. The EPG information is transmitted the same for all services on all muxes,
Yes I know this. Using a dongle I've investigated SD in the past. The purpose behind BBC1 (or I suppose any BBC-A channel) is that the EPG information appears to be broadcast more frequently and reliably. (Whether it really is - who knows?)
Looking on eBay for the past 90 days there have been an average of 6 PVR-9150Ts sold each week.
The PVR-9300T, the PVR-9150T's big brother, has an average of 13 sold on eBay each week.
And looking on the other site the OP has posted a similar query in Welcome (which has vanished) and now Aura.

As far as I can tell on pre-Aura models, delete channel does what it says. On Aura it hides it. There was an argument that said deleting a whole mux made things better. I can only comment on things I tried that worked for me.
As far as I can tell on pre-Aura models, delete channel does what it says. On Aura it hides it. There was an argument that said deleting a whole mux made things better. I can only comment on things I tried that worked for me.
Definitely not all. as per my earlier long post in this thread although it was designed to look like that was the situation with at least the 9200T it wasn't. I can't remember how much I tested the 93000T in this area but it did give it some testing concerning the epg but probably only with whole multiplexes.
And looking on the other site the OP has posted a similar query in Welcome (which has vanished) and now Aura.
It was moved from the Welcome! section to the FAQ section for the PVR-9000Ts. Looking at the Aura post it looks as though victor-anthony believed the issue that he was posting on MyHumax . org was a similar issue.

Strange that neither of his posts on Myhumax. org mention the epg like the original post of this thread does, but instead mention a white screen after the unit is switched on. Both his posts on MyHumax . org read as though they are a different issue to the one posted to start this thread
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The purpose behind BBC1 (or I suppose any BBC-A channel) is that the EPG information appears to be broadcast more frequently and reliably.
Any service on the mux. will do, so BBC2 would be just the same as BBC1, as would one of the BBC Radio services.
(Whether it really is - who knows?)
Well I do, because when I was writing my logger last year, I did some investigation in to the timings of all this, partly to test the software and partly out of curiosity comparing what actually happened with what the spec. said ought to happen. The PSB muxes definitely have more bandwidth allocated for the EPG data than the COM muxes.
I didn't test every mux. and didn't record the results, but I think the current mux. data was complete in about 90s on a PSB, with the other mux. data being complete in 5 minutes. On a COM mux. it was somewhat more, possibly 2 minutes and 9 minutes, or maybe even worse.
I'd have to re-run the tests and do it properly to be sure - if I can remember how I did it!
The reliability is the same regardless of mux.
I didn't test every mux. and didn't record the results, but I think the current mux. data was complete in about 90s o
If I understand what you're saying - on BBC-A the BBC data appears in about 90s. Other mux data within 5 minutes. You suggest a Com mux might fill the EPG in 9 minutes. Hmm...

I've sat there with a Humax and a blank EPG. Compare viewing a Com5 channel - how long to EPG full, then try PSB1/BBC-A. With the 2000T & 5000T on a non-PSB channel my experience was it could take ages or not fill up at all. (Not very precise I know, but i wasn't expecting the Spanish inquisition!) I never tried PSB2 or PSB3, but PSB1 often filled the EPG within 15 minutes (ish).

With the Aura - all bets are off. The only way I can get a sparse EPG to repopulate is to make sure it's connected to the internet. (My Humaxes are not permanently connected)
This is all a complete waste of effort. The thread is highly suspicious, and the OP hasn't been back anyway.
He has been back, he was here at 5.45 am this morning around the same time as he posted in an Aura thread on the other site. He had already posted there before about his issue on a 9150T thread which vanished soon after I mentioned he had also posted here. I am awaiting a reply from him to this........................................

That sounds frustrating! I'm actually facing a similar issue but with a white screen instead. I have tried everything from restarting to resetting, but no luck so far. Would love to know how you diagnosed and fixed yours might give me some ideas!
The thread you started here on your issue has vanished before you were able to provide the extra details you were asked for however the thread you started on the other site has had several replies which I see that you have read this morning but failed to respond to those trying to assist you. If you want a solution you need to communicate, provide more detail if asked, explain what solutions you have tried so far and whether those offered by others failed and then you will get more input. If you just read without any further posting people will assume you are not worth wasting their time on. Also you have posted here in a thread dealing with the Humax Aura when you stated on the other site that you have a PVR-9150T. There has been several instances of bogus new members joining the other site recently and posting in old threads in order to gain credibility and I am sure you would not want people to think that you are one of those.

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