I started up the Humax this evening and there was a screen I don't recall ever seeing before, asking me to choose my subtitle preferences. After faffing about with the box for a while, including a full power-off and restart from scratch, It turned out that it was going through the initialisation process from scratch. It's been so long since I did that - way back when I first got the box sometime in the noughties - that I'd completely forgotten what it was like. Once I'd let it run through the initialisation process, including a full channel re-scan, I found, not unexpectedly, that our favourites had gone, along with our recording schedule. Fortunately the custom firmware was still installed and working, and I run the package that backs those up daily, so I was able to recover them. But I'm still mightily puzzled as to why the box should apparently have decided to do a full factory reset of its own accord.
Everything else seems to be OK: our recordings are still there. and having recovered the schedule it seems to be recording and playing back just fine.
I did notice that the box failed to record The Repair Shop this afternoon, so I assume that it had done whatever it had done to itself sometime between it being put into standby last night, and 15:45 this afternoon.
Has anyone else ever encountered such behaviour?
I'm a tad worried that it might be symptomatic of something critical being about to fail permanently
CORRECTION: I've just looked at the activity log and that shows that the box recorded Louis Theroux at ~01:30 last night, and did its "disable OTA" wakeup at 04:20 (TBH I'd forgotten that was still in the schedule; I should probably get rid because I have the relevant 'disable' packages installed). So the crash or whatever it was must have occurred sometime between 04:45 and 15:45 today.
Everything else seems to be OK: our recordings are still there. and having recovered the schedule it seems to be recording and playing back just fine.
I did notice that the box failed to record The Repair Shop this afternoon, so I assume that it had done whatever it had done to itself sometime between it being put into standby last night, and 15:45 this afternoon.
Has anyone else ever encountered such behaviour?
I'm a tad worried that it might be symptomatic of something critical being about to fail permanently
CORRECTION: I've just looked at the activity log and that shows that the box recorded Louis Theroux at ~01:30 last night, and did its "disable OTA" wakeup at 04:20 (TBH I'd forgotten that was still in the schedule; I should probably get rid because I have the relevant 'disable' packages installed). So the crash or whatever it was must have occurred sometime between 04:45 and 15:45 today.
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