sometimes complains that Adblock Plus is active


Super Moderator
Staff member sometimes complains that Adblock Plus is active when it is actually set as disabled for this site. It isn't a major problem just a minor niggle but is there anything I can do to prevent the false positive?
I often find that the whitelisting of Adblock doesn't seem to work. Quite a few sites have asked me to unblock them but even after doing it a couple of times they are still complaining.
I still get the warning here too. I've given up trying to fix it.
I've only seen the message come up when I have some connectivity problem meaning that the ads don't load quickly. A refresh usually clears it. If you're seeing it frequently then I can disable the check for your user.
As I would rather donate than see the adverts, to that end I use Greasemonkey for FireFox and an adblock script that 'fools' a site into believing that an ad blocker is disabled. Works for me on most sites. I also use ABSolution with pixelserv running on my Asus router.
I've only seen the message come up when I have some connectivity problem meaning that the ads don't load quickly. A refresh usually clears it. If you're seeing it frequently then I can disable the check for your user.
Don't bother on my account, there are many more irritating things that obstruct my daily browsing :)

It would be nice if a site script could detect users who are donors and not poke them, but I can see that would be a big job.
It would be nice if a site script could detect users who are donors and not poke them, but I can see that would be a big job.
I've had a couple of people asking me about setting up a new class of user for those willing to donate a small amount each year, say £5. (obviously those who have already donated would get it automatically). In addition to not being shown adverts (or adblock reminders) there is potential for those users to get additional forum permissions too.
Is this something that would interest people?

FWIW, the revenue from showing the adverts is on track to cover half of the forum running costs for the year, so it's definitely worth having them there.
For me, I am happy to leave things as they are. Anything else might might have the effect of reducing user base. I hope that my unwillingness to have adverts displayed does not portray me in a 'bad light'. I prefer to donate rather than see the ads, and have no issues actually paying for a service that I use, other forums included, I just hate adverts!

Plus getting rid of those ads is a challenge for my OCD!
Is this something that would interest people?
This has been mentioned several times in the past. I make a donation when asked, so would rather like to not have ads.
Not sure what possibilities "additional forum permissions" means though? Obviously, you would have to weigh up the 'ad free' donations against ad revenue against running costs. Presumably, current donations make up the 'other half' of the cost?
I've only seen the message come up when I have some connectivity problem meaning that the ads don't load quickly. A refresh usually clears it. If you're seeing it frequently then I can disable the check for your user.
Yes slow page loading may well be the answer. I am having a battle with my ISP at the moment because my synch speed is typically half what it was a year ago and Openreach won't upgrade the street cabinet so we can get fibre. Don't do anything on my account; you have far more useful things to do; I just wanted to understand the problem.
FWIW, the revenue from showing the adverts is on track to cover half of the forum running costs for the year, so it's definitely worth having them there.

I only have Adblock on the PC, not on the tablet which is what I use for this forum probably 66% of the time. The ads here aren't intrusive, unlike many sites, so I'm not bothered. If you get funds for just showing them rather than actual clicks then leave them be. (And TBH I have clicked the odd one or two on occasion :oops: )
I don't understand that. Everything would remain as-is for non-premium members, but a small donation adds some minor benefits for premium members (the avatar listing might say something like "supporter"). What's not to like?
I don't understand that. Everything would remain as-is for non-premium members, but a small donation adds some minor benefits for premium members (the avatar listing might say something like "supporter"). What's not to like?
If I'm not served ads on my tablet then the forum loses a (possibly miniscule) income stream. I can't think of a benefit to counter that - the site does everything I want/need at present - so I'd rather let them have the ad revenue.
If I'm not served ads on my tablet then the forum loses a (possibly miniscule) income stream. I can't think of a benefit to counter that - the site does everything I want/need at present - so I'd rather let them have the ad revenue.
??? If you've donated and been elevated to premium/supporter/whatever status, you will have more than compensated for any losses from the micro payments for ad serving. I'm sure there could be a way of donating without status promotion if you really wanted!