It is only possible to Telnet into your Humax after you install the Customer Firmware
Yep, understood that, but will the hummy magically appear in the telnet dialogue, or do I need to "find " it

It is only possible to Telnet into your Humax after you install the Customer Firmware
From the "Windows Telnet >" prompt you would type "open <ip address of Humax>".Hmmm, telnet eh? Well I cen get to a telnet prompt in W7 which reads "Windows Telnet >" How do I connect to the Hummy from that point
That's only if you want to read the data with a Windows PC. If you are happy to dedicate a drive to backup storage for your HDR, use the HDR menus to format it (Ext3) and then you can write and read to it from the Humax with no hinderance.So it seems I'll have to use ext2/3 file format (never heard of it before) - and I'll have to use a utility to allow me to "mount" the drive. Hmmm again.