IP control of Aura

Is there a firmware or package that lets the Aura be controlled over IP like the HD-Fox?
In what way do you want to control the Aura? There is an app available for Android and Apple phones that allows you to view the programme guide and set recordings and a few other things.
It's not immediately obvious to me what you want to achieve.
I cannot get an IP remote control program that works for a 2000T and nearly works for the 5000T to work at all for the Aura. By IP remote control program I mean a program that runs on my PC and mimics the remote control buttons - but sends commands over the network.
There is a crude interface provided on the Aura, but it doesn't provide much in the way of control. From a web browser goto page http://<your Aura IP>:8080/ (eg. You can get a list of live channels and your recordings. Clicking on the icon that looks like a TV changes the channel on the Aura or starts a recording playback. There's no stop function that I can see or volume controls or ability to enter new timers etc. The fact that this interface exists probably means it is possible a full remote control program might be possible.