Is decrypting HD / 'rooting' the Aura a viable option?


New Member
I'm aware that the FOX box had some custom firmware which allowed decryption, and I'm aware that the Aura only encrypts HD recordings.

Is there any feasible way to get decrypted HD recordings off the Aura, so I can store them on a media server and work around the DLNA limitations on Aura (which mainly affect HD also)?
Or is this effectively a hard no without getting really deep into stuff the casual techy should stay away from?

The Foxsat-HDR had decryption disabled by user patch, the HDR-FOX and HDR-1800T/2000T had work-arounds to fool the hardware into thinking decryption was authorised, and then it was figured out the HD-FOX could be made to run HDR-FOX firmware. Finally the actual encryption/decryption algorithm and key generation were figured out for HDR-FOX and HD-FOX. And that's it. So far as I know, nobody has found cracks for more recent units, and I would place a large bet on these efforts having been taken into account in the design of DRM ongoing.

You can get HiDef recordings off an Aura, but not in HiDef form. I have no doubt this is to reduce the desire to crack it while still protecting the rights management.