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Is my disc bust?



Disc wants a format (wife very unhappy)
Have used telnet to run fix disk. Screen been frozen for hours

Option 4 ( Check self-test progress.) tells me...
ls: /sys/block/sda/sda*: No such file or directory

So is my disc bust - have we lost all our recordings?

We have a HDR-Fox T2 1TB disc size - had it just under 2 years - also have extended Richer Sounds warranty (5 years)

Thanks in advance
Have used telnet to run fix disk. Screen been frozen for hours

Option 4 ( Check self-test progress.) tells me...
ls: /sys/block/sda/sda*: No such file or directory

So is my disc bust - have we lost all our recordings?
What version of the custom firmware? I would think there is a good chance of saving things but wait for expert advice.
The full fix-disk test does take hours, I would wait a while. Also it does no harm to run fix-disk more than once. There is a good chance* you will get some if not all of your recordings back.
*exact percentage unknown :)
Thanks Martin and Ezra
Latest version of everything - downloaded at weekend
This is 3rd time of running - before gave up after 3hrs and then 4hrs (used option to stop) - so will keep running this time)
Thanks will keep you informed
Which test are you running? "1 - Check and repair hard disk (fix-disk)." ?
That's the one you need.
Both the T2's I look after are connected to TV's which have either analogue only or non-functional digital tuners! The T2 is the tuner for watching the telly, which is why it stays on all the time.
Have been watching TV thru a you-view box (was just reporting state of play)
Humax was running very hot - so shut it all down overnight.
Will have anothe go in the morning
How many hours should this take?
And what should I see in telnet window while fix disc is running?
Humax was running very hot - so shut it all down overnight.
It is possible that the fan may not run in maintenance mode.
How many hours should this take?
And what should I see in telnet window while fix disc is running?
A number of tests are run. The first test should give an estimate of when it will be completed and give a countdown during this time. Later tests will show progress bars which may appear to stop from time to time.

The message shown when you tried option 4 in the menu suggests that a test to locate the disk has failed. The same test is used by fix-disk. From a cli prompt try:
ls /sys/block/sda
and post the results here.
Thanks for the suggestion xyz321
ls /sys/block/sda
as suggested

Result was...
/bin/sh: ls/sys/block/sda: not found

So what can I do next - is it return to shop??
Or are there still options open for me?

Thanks to ALL of you for your help and support
You need a space between ls and /
See here for what it should look like (with and without your error) and then climbing up the tree:
humax# ls/sys/block/sda
-/bin/sh: ls/sys/block/sda: not found
humax# ls /sys/block/sda
dev        holders    range      sda1      sda3      slaves    subsystem
device     queue      removable  sda2      size      stat      uevent
humax# ls /sys/block
loop0      loop3      loop6      mtdblock1  mtdblock4  sda
loop1      loop4      loop7      mtdblock2  mtdblock5
loop2      loop5      mtdblock0  mtdblock3  mtdblock6
humax# ls /sys
block    bus      class    devices  firmware  fs        kernel    module

Repeat on your box and post output. Maybe that will help determine the problem.