Issues with split schedules


The Foxsat-HDR seems to have issues with split schedules, frequent on ITV4.

For instance, if I schedule Senna 17 Sep 23:55 (and implicitly second part 18 Sep 01:00) directly on the box (not WebIf) it's exposed to Year 2038 Problem and shows the scheduled event for Tue 19 Jan 2038 03:14 duration 00:00:01. After rebooting the box, it disappears. If I schedule it using WebIf it shows correctly (well apart from the fact that WebIf shows both events with the start time of part 1), but sometimes the housekeeping job that runs every night around 03:00 removes split recordings from the schedule.

It doesn't seem to make any difference whether I schedule a single or series event.

Is this a known issue with the box?