09/04 02:00:15 Event 8270:14147 4F:08 started 02:00:00 00:50:00 "Cooking with the Stars" "/1002361179" "/ebs52610"
09/04 02:48:43 Event 8270:08748 4F:09 started 02:50:00 01:15:00 "Unwind with ITV" "/1002361092" "/ebs51567"
09/04 04:03:58 Event 8270:14148 4F:10 started 04:05:00 00:55:00 "Lingo" "/1002172178" "/ebs51113"
09/04 04:59:30 Event 8270:08761 4F:11 started 05:00:00 03:00:00 "Good Morning Britain" "/1002269261" "/ebs51965"
09/04 07:59:33 Event 8270:08762 4F:12 started 08:00:00 01:00:00 "Lorraine" "/1002269255" "/ebs50636"
09/04 08:58:03 Event 8270:08764 4F:13 started 09:00:00 02:30:00 "This Morning" "/1002269256" "/ebs51967"
09/04 11:28:05 Event 8270:08783 4F:14 started 11:30:00 01:00:00 "Loose Women" "/1002269226" "/ebs44989"
09/04 12:28:03 Event 8270:08784 4F:15 started 12:30:00 00:25:00 "ITV Lunchtime News" "/1002485472" "/ebs51386"
09/04 12:55:08 Event 8270:08791 4F:16 started 12:55:00 00:05:00 "ITV News Meridian" "/1002486333" "/ebs52698"
09/04 12:59:38 Event 8270:08827 4F:17 started 13:00:00 01:00:00 "Dickinson's Real Deal" "/1002122957" "/ebs45177"
09/04 13:58:33 Event 8270:13973 4F:18 started 14:00:00 01:00:00 "New: Lingo" "/1002167987" "/ebs51112"
09/04 15:00:03 Event 8270:13979 4F:19 started 15:00:00 01:00:00 "New: Tipping Point" "/1002382960" "/ebs48934"
09/04 15:59:50 Event 8270:08846 4F:20 started 16:00:00 01:00:00 "New: The Chase" "/1002481337" "/ebs44957"
09/04 16:59:30 Event 8270:08853 4F:21 started 17:00:00 00:30:00 "ITV News Meridian" "/1002486313" "/181875"
09/04 17:29:33 Event 8270:08884 4F:22 started 17:30:00 01:00:00 "ITV Evening News" "/1002269264" "/ebs51387"
09/04 18:28:38 Event 8270:08893 4F:23 started 18:30:00 00:30:00 "Emmerdale" "/1002269219" "/127796"
09/04 18:59:20 Event 8270:08894 4F:24 started 19:00:00 01:00:00 "Coronation Street" "/1002481345" "/128465"
09/04 20:00:10 Event 8270:08896 4F:25 started 20:00:00 01:00:00 "New: The Tower" "/1002308655" "/ebs51614"
09/04 20:59:30 Event 8270:08897 4F:26 started 21:00:00 00:30:00 "ITV News at Ten" "/1002269260" "/ebs51966"
09/04 21:31:05 Event 8270:08904 4F:27 started 21:30:00 00:15:00 "ITV News Meridian" "/1002486323" "/ebs52699"
09/04 21:43:58 Event 8270:31416 4F:28 started 21:45:00 00:30:00 "For the Love of Dogs with..." "/1002394176" ""
09/04 00:04:07 Event 8368:14145 4F:08 started 00:05:00 02:55:00 "This is ITV+1" "/1002436999" ""
09/04 03:00:13 Event 8368:14147 4F:10 started 03:00:00 00:50:00 "Cooking with the Stars" "/1002361179" "/ebsp152610"
09/04 03:48:42 Event 8368:08748 4F:11 started 03:50:00 01:15:00 "Unwind with ITV" "/1002361092" "/ebsp151567"
09/04 05:03:58 Event 8368:14148 4F:12 started 05:05:00 00:55:00 "Lingo" "/1002172178" "/ebsp151113"
09/04 05:59:32 Event 8368:08761 4F:13 started 06:00:00 03:00:00 "Good Morning Britain" "/1002269261" "/ebsp151965"
09/04 08:58:03 Event 8368:08762 4F:14 started 09:00:00 01:00:00 "Lorraine" "/1002269255" "/ebsp150636"
09/04 09:58:00 Event 8368:08764 4F:15 started 10:00:00 02:30:00 "This Morning" "/1002269256" "/ebsp151967"
09/04 12:28:05 Event 8368:08783 4F:16 started 12:30:00 01:00:00 "Loose Women" "/1002269226" "/ebsp144989"
09/04 13:28:03 Event 8368:08784 4F:17 started 13:30:00 00:25:00 "ITV Lunchtime News" "/1002485472" "/ebsp151386"
09/04 13:55:10 Event 8368:08794 4F:18 started 13:55:00 00:05:00 "ITV News West Country" "/1002486629" "/ebsp152704"
09/04 13:59:38 Event 8368:08827 4F:19 started 14:00:00 01:00:00 "Dickinson's Real Deal" "/1002122957" "/ebsp145177"
09/04 14:58:35 Event 8368:13973 4F:20 started 15:00:00 01:00:00 "New: Lingo" "/1002167987" "/ebsp151112"
09/04 16:00:03 Event 8368:13979 4F:21 started 16:00:00 01:00:00 "New: Tipping Point" "/1002382960" "/ebsp148934"
09/04 16:59:50 Event 8368:08846 4F:22 started 17:00:00 01:00:00 "New: The Chase" "/1002481337" "/ebsp144957"
09/04 17:59:33 Event 8368:08856 4F:23 started 18:00:00 00:30:00 "ITV News West Country" "/1002486630" "/49225461"
09/04 18:29:30 Event 8368:08884 4F:24 started 18:30:00 01:00:00 "ITV Evening News" "/1002269264" "/ebsp151387"
09/04 19:28:38 Event 8368:08893 4F:25 started 19:30:00 00:30:00 "Emmerdale" "/1002269219" "/38893300"
09/04 19:59:20 Event 8368:08894 4F:26 started 20:00:00 01:00:00 "Coronation Street" "/1002481345" "/38893301"
09/04 21:00:10 Event 8368:08896 4F:27 started 21:00:00 01:00:00 "New: The Tower" "/1002308655" "/ebsp151614"
09/04 21:59:30 Event 8368:08897 4F:28 started 22:00:00 00:30:00 "ITV News at Ten" "/1002269260" "/ebsp151966"