OK, So I'll make my first post to the site here! (I was going to put details into a new thread, but will put Harmony stuff here).
So, I have a Harmony 700, and have been using it with my old 9200 and my new HDR-T2. I chose the 700 over the 650 because it has USB charging (the only real difference iirc), and being micro-usb means I have one lead to charge my phone, tablet and remote. Remote goes 2-3 months between charges. Previously I had a 555, which still works, but is a bit worse for wear these days.
Harmony remotes are based on activities, so for each activity you tell it which devices you want associated. Then, when you select the activity the remote will turn on all the devices. The buttons are then completely customisable between all the devices that are in that activity, so no problem programming the volume buttons to the TV and the rest of the buttons to the hummy. Or, if you have other TV settings that you want access to, they can go on. Any additional commands not on the remote hard buttons can be put into the soft buttons on the lcd screen. You can have several pages of additional buttons (so you can put the hummy volume on a later page just to have access to it if rarely).
Additionally, you can record sequences of button presses that are helpful if you have frequently visited places. For instance, I have 2 buttons on my remote for accessing the internal HDD and the external HDD. With a bit of playing, I have put the following into a sequence:
Internal HDD: Exit-Exit-Media-Blue-L-L-OK
External HDD: Exit-Exit-Media-Blue-R-R-L-OK-OK
So wherever I am I can get to either disk in a press of a button (the sequence look overkill, but it's all needed). Note that sequences can only have 5 steps, but I have learned extra buttons based on multiple presses of the hummy remote (this is a bit of a hack, but works).
I have read the 300 can only do one sequence. I'm not sure about other operational limitations (apart from number of devices, number of activities)