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Loss of Audio


New Member
My 4000T FVP has suddenly lost the audio signal. Everything else seems to be working okay, video EPG ffwd rwd subtitles etc. I have rebooted, changed HDMI cable used different input port on the TV but still no sound. Any ideas?
The audio and video data is carried over the same conductors on HDMI, so it's all or nothing.
Thanks for the replies. Yes I have gone through a 10 min shutdown. If the audio and video signals are on the same conductors but I am getting good video does that mean that the sound card or wherever it is has failed? TV sound is okay.
does that mean that the sound card or wherever it is has failed?
I think that's incredibly unlikely. All that stuff is handled within the single chip "system on chip" (SoC) Broadcom special-purpose computer, and audio data is not routed separate from video data external to that chip (except to drive the analogue outputs).

If you are convinced this is nothing to do with the TV itself (can you try a different TV?), and you are sure you don't have the 4000T sound level muted or set to zero, the next thing to try is a "restore factory defaults" operation.
What about the audio settings on the box? stereo, surround, Dolby etc. That being wrong sometimes screws things (Try stereo)
Yes, and a "restore factory defaults" ought to fix it.

I should also add that (in general) we have not heard of sound-only failures, which is why I think it is unlikely.
I had already done a factory reset and sound levels checked etc but still no sound. As already mentioned I had moved the HDMI cable from HDMI 1 to HDMI 2 socket on the TV and back again but no change.
I tried another TV as suggested and it worked. Amazing! Then plugged the original TV in again and all is well. Not sure if anything has actually been fixed but it works.
Thanks guys. I can now watch my recordings at leisure
Something clearly had its knickers in a twist, and it's hard to put the blame on the 4000T after cold boots and factory resets... so that leaves the telly.
Thanks Black Hole, I am inclined to agree with you, I will keep a watch for any further developments.

Is it possible to search recordings to locate a particular Title?
In another thread, a similar problem has led to a possible explanation for your problem:

Thank you all for your advice. After much further fiddling, I have found a solution.

One of the TV audio settings is HDMI mode1/mode 2, the latter being the default. Changing to Mode 1 has now produced audio.