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Lost contact with Remote Scheduling


Using latest modified firmware.

Because we needed to retune I backed up the schedule, retuned the T2 and restored the schedule from the site. Everything was working perfectly. Then I added the epgkeywords plugin but the Remote Scheduling Setup status went from Active to Inactive. I have tried hard re-boots, removing and reinstalling the rs package but it remains Inactive.

On the Hummypkg.org.site it states:

"Device: humax - HDR - dc:d3:21:3c:51:33 Last seen: 12:16 pm on Thursday, 24th November 2011" which was when it restored the schedule.

This is what happens when I try to re-register:

Registering with remote scheduling server.
Not Found

The requested URL /api/reg.html was not found on this server.
Sending TBL_RESERVATION schedule information to remote server.
Not Found

The requested URL /api/upload.html was not found on this server.
Sending pending schedule information to remote server.
Not Found

The requested URL /api/upload.html was not found on this server.
Sending channel information to remote server.
Not Found

The requested URL /api/channels.html was not found on this server.

I would really hate to loose this facility any ideas on how to get it back?
I am seeing the same problem. My box hasn't been seen since 10:13 am Thursday. 24th.
I have not tried to re-register yet.
OK it's back and working. Two recordings waiting on the web have downloaded onto the pending list on the Hummy.

Just had an email from Tesco. Free WiFi at Tesco extra stores for club card holders.:)
Just had an email from Tesco. Free WiFi at Tesco extra stores for club card holders.:)
I've not had that email yet, I'll look out for information. In general I prefer to use my 3 MiFi mobile hot-spot because I can safely use it for secure transactions, but frequently there is no 3G signal in the depths of Tesco.
rs website not showing my current video recordings. Has not refreshed since 4:32 am on Wednesday 23rd November. There are new recordings on the box.
Have tried to delete a recording but that doesn't work from the old list.
Seems to be working again this morning. Disk contents updated at 04:33. Successfully removed a recording, via rs, after my 07:00 wake-up. Disk contents updated immediately afterwards.