Media List Font Size


Hi - I have had a quick look throught he thread with no success, so here is my question.

Anyone know how the Media page can be improved to show more items ? At the moment it seems to only show about 5 recordings before running out of space on the screen - it s a 40" LED screen, so really a much smaller font would be able to show many more recordings and make the user experience so much better ?

Tell me about it. It won't be possible without somehow modding the firmware :( Shame we can't customise the UI to the degree people could on the Toppy.
The 5 recordings limit is kinda okay when you use the auto-filer script which also renames the episodes.
Thanks Mattc - shame as the rest of the UI is pretty good, I couldn;t beleive how Noddy the Media bit was when I first saw it!
Yeah, some options to scale the UI for larger TVs would have been nice. The EPG is just about right, although my eyes could handle a smaller font, and therefore more characters from the title.. better than just seeing blank, or ... for some kids programs! :)