Media >> OPT+ >> Move/Copy Only Transfers Video Media?

Black Hole

May contain traces of nut
Here's something I've never noticed before, and don't recall ever being mentioned:

I used the SUI Media menu to select a number of folders under My Video (red button to add/remove a tick), then OPT+ >> Move/Copy to copy the selected items out to a USB drive. It appears that the copy only transferred video media files, and not the .mp3 that also happened to be in the folders.

Extrapolating, my hypothesis is that the SUI OPT+ operations will only act on video files in My Video, audio files in My Music, and image files in My Photo.

One reason this may not have been noticed is that the SUI only lists video media in My Video and audio media in My Music (etc), and (without custom firmware or FTP hacking) there is no means to put the "wrong" media in the wrong folder tree.
Further information: the SUI copy also transferred the .series file (marker used by the standard Humax firmware). Other marker files used by the custom firmware were not transferred.