Cutting a 1 minute edit is too comlicated ? Excuse follows excuse.
There are no excuses being offer here at all only advice and any possible work arounds - is it complicated to create a 1 minute video NO - but as I said in my previous post, current software that creates MKV files adds the extra EBML information which @ykno referred to in his post - he even gives you screen shots to explain this
I gave you a link to an older version of mkvtoolnix which does create mkv files that the HDR can read and play via network share
As I have already stated, current versions of mkv creation software add the extra EBML information so will not play at all on the HDR
I said the Humax doesnt play MKV files period. I said this because the manufacturer of the device said so.
To re-iterate: It was also suggested that .MKV files MAY play if they are otherwise encoded in a format
the Humax does recognise but just have an incorrect file extension. I suggest that may be what
people are creating.
The HDR seems to recognise an older version of the mkv format - it is not recognising an 'incorrect' file extension, just the old standard
The old version of mkvmerge creates mkv files that do work on the HDR, but the newer versions do not create files that work
I can use the old version of mkvmerge with most video and audio formats, and it creates files that are playable on the HDR
If the creators of MKV are to be believed about their own product - EBML is what makes the wrapper into an MKV file (without breakong old parsers). The words "based on" are worth noting.
There is nothing "problematic" or "extra" about EBML in MKV.
You are quite right is saying nothing 'problematic' or 'extra', but you miss the point in what myself and others have said about the EBML information - the extra info that is referred to is extra to the old standard of mkv creation - the standard for creating mkv files has obviously changed in the latest versions of the software
The older software has always had EBML info
Doc type
Doc type version
Doc type read version
Newer mkv creation software includes the three lines above plus 4 new lines
EBML version
EBML read version
EBML maximum ID length
EBML maximum size length
Doc type
Doc type version
Doc type read version
When the HDR first went on sale, the mkv standard at the time and since, included the 'extra' EBML info, so Humax would be correct in saying that the product does not support the current version of mkv files
You need to stop wasting peoples time claiming MKV files play on the humax. They do not. Period.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought the whole point was to get mkv files to work on the Hummy - the new standard obviously doesn't work, as you and myself and others have found out, so the only way to get them to work is by going back to the old mkv standard
As you know software and hardware are always changing, so is it unreasonable to assume that mkv files have also changed in the last few years
I agree, mkv files created using the current mkv standard do not work, however the old standard does, 'Period'