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Mod:samba package problems


New Member
Hi guys.....
as this is my first post, I have to say what fantastic work you guys have done with the hummy firmware....
anyway...back to the prob im getting.....
installed the samba package,but wont bring the drive up on my network...so i removed it and got this message..
>>> opkg remove samba
Removing package samba from root...
Not deleting modified conffile /mod/etc/secrets.tdb
I then re installed it and got this message....
>>> opkg install samba
Installing samba (2.2.12-2) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/samba_2.2.12-2_mipsel.opk.
Configuring samba.
Collected errors:
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /mod/etc/secrets.tdb is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /mod/etc/secrets.tdb-opkg.
still nothing showing up on my network....

any ideas on a solution.....

The file secrets.tdb is a config file so opkg will not replace it if you have modified it. My guess is that you have used smbpasswd to change the password. Most of the configuration for samba is setup in /mod/etc/smb.conf. Since a similar warning message is not shown for that file it seems that it hasn't yet been modified.

The standard configuration should work "out of the box" but you may need to change the 'workgroup' and/or 'hosts allow' settings in 'smb.conf'.