As you know, I'm not that well versed in all this networking or command line stuff, picking up the bare minimum snippets as I go along, so I wouldn't know a windows hosts file or how to resolve 'humax' into '' if they bit me on the arse. I can see where you're coming from, and the logic behind why this 'can't be' but the mystery to me is how one moment I'm able to use 'o humax' and then having only updated the modded software I'm not.
It's no big deal, since I'm quite happy to stick with using the ip address.
Incidentally, I only stumbled across using 'o humax' by accident having minutes before discovered a) where to find telnet and add it into my Windows set up, and b) that 'o' was the command to open something, so I thought 'what the hell?' and typed 'o humax' which to my surprise, worked (back then).