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Moving HD Videos to PC


New Member
Hi, I've read pretty much all the content on this site relating to getting HD recordings to be copied unencrypted to a PC: DLNA, stripts, Foxy, attempted but failed Foxy-max to automate .MHT mod, etc.

So my questions are:
(1) Having just bought a second hand DVR-2000T have I made a mistake by not getting a HDR-FOX T2 (given only that can accept custom FW)?
(2) Does it make a practical difference, if my desire is to record say a series from Freeview and then copy to PC?
(3) Has the state of play moved on at all, wrt automating the movement of unencrypted HD videos to a PC, for the HDR-2000T?
(4) In short, what is the easiest way of migrating say 12 HD videos from the DVR-2000T to a PC, now?
(Or has it not changed, it still requires a one by one manipulation of the .MHT files)?
(5) Have I missed anything regarding the potential creation/movement of unencrypted files from the HDR-FOX-T2: even with custom firmware, it still seems that the process is not automated?

This is not just laziness, I want to see if I have missed anything.

Answers gratefully sought.

Have I missed anything regarding the potential creation/movement of unencrypted files from the HDR-FOX-T2: even with custom firmware, it still seems that the process is not automated?
Clearly you have missed lots. The HDR-FOX + CF can be set up to decrypt all recordings automatically, immediately post recording (ie Method 2) or even during recording (see detectads). Having decrypted, they can be exported automatically by various means, assuming the destination is available on the network at the time.

Alternatively, encrypted recordings can be decrypted externally, using the Windows or Linux decryption utilities.

Decryption Guide (click)

All that only applies to HDR-FOX (or HD-FOX). HDR-1800T/2000T has very limited capability due to the unavailability of custom firmware, so the only option for HiDef content is to fool the unit into thinking the content is unprotected and treating it the same as StDef.

However, I'm not sure what unit you actually have:
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Thanks for the replies! I see the HDR-FOX T2 is clearly a better option, with the automatic decryption I was seeking.
Are you sure it is a DVR-2000T that you bought? There is a model called DTR-T2000 and there is also a model called HDR-2000T.
Hence this:
However, I'm not sure what unit you actually have:
..although the OP does not appear to have realised what I meant, and clarified. The only clue we have is that this is the HDR-2000T section of the forum (but even that goes over some people's heads).

IIRC, if it is a DTR-2000T, all bets are off with regard to any kind of decryption and export.
So my questions are:
(1) Yes.
(2) No practical difference. It can be done - but not automagically on the Humax box.
(3) No, not really. I did start on this journey a long while ago (see thread Idea: "Foxy-max" PC Utility (developer needed) ) but lack of community interest meant I never finished it. I've now moved on to trying to make sense of a different Humax (5000T).
(4) Probably use Foxy - It will work with 2000T/1800T in just the same way as for the HDR-FOX T2.
(5) See answer to (3).