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MPEG Streamclip, Humax .ts files, and Mac OSX


New Member
Hi Guys,
Anyone know how to open Foxsat HDR Standard Definition .ts files in MPEG Streamclip .....on a Mac!?
I have an intel core 2 duo Macbook Pro running Snow leopard. I can download Foxsat HDR .ts SD files from an Ext3 partitioned HD and play them straight off with VLC but when I try to edit them in MPEG Streamclip (with the Apple MPEG-2 Playback component already installed) I immediately get "Error: unsupported file type". The MPS documentation claims .ts files are supported and specifically mentions the Humax 8000 as a supported device (whose file extensions I think may be .vid ?) Altering the Foxsat HDR .ts extensions to .vid 'appears' to make the files load but other than that they can not be recognised, converted or edited. Converting the .ts files first to MP4 with ffmpegX and then editing in MPS is possible and gives good results but it's all very tedious and time-consuming particularly to a complete newbie to video editing such as myself. Surely there must be a simpler, quicker, or more efficient way? The 'overviews' for the commercial software available for Macs do little to clarify whether any of them can handle Humax Foxsat HDR standard definition .ts files.Is there an easy solution to this problem? I just want to do a little simple editing (adverts etc.) preferably using MPEG Streamclip which otherwise I find excellent, or must I switch to commercial software, ... or Windows ...or a Topfield ....or all three! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Hummymac.
[I'm by no means an expert but this is what I've picked up]. ts files are a bit different to your normal video file. They contain extra error correction data to make them more robust to compensate for any interference while being transmitted.

To edit them you want to make them into a regular video file. To do that you need to de-mux the .ts file [that is, split the audio from the video] and then re-mux them as a regular file. To do that you need a java app called ProjectX.
ProjectX is crucial. ProjectX de-muxs the .ts file.
Project X will correct any errors in the .ts file and keep the audio and video in sync.

Then you want to remux the two files. I use Avidemux for that. Mpegstreamclip may be able to do it, I'm not sure.

Anyway there is a tutorial on how to do it http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=149827
That tutorial is to make a DVD from the Humax .ts but you could just stop at point (2)
Hi Hummymac.
[I'm by no means an expert but this is what I've picked up]. ts files are a bit different to your normal video file. They contain extra error correction data to make them more robust to compensate for any interference while being transmitted.

To edit them you want to make them into a regular video file. To do that you need to de-mux the .ts file [that is, split the audio from the video] and then re-mux them as a regular file. To do that you need a java app called ProjectX.
ProjectX is crucial. ProjectX de-muxs the .ts file.
Project X will correct any errors in the .ts file and keep the audio and video in sync.

Then you want to remux the two files. I use Avidemux for that. Mpegstreamclip may be able to do it, I'm not sure.

Anyway there is a tutorial on how to do it http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=149827
That tutorial is to make a DVD from the Humax .ts but you could just stop at point (2)
Hi Get Go,
Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the reply and for the excellent tutorial link you provided. There's a lot here for a novice to digest but I will get back to you when I've given it a go. Believe it or not I had already got the Avidemux.dmg file on my desktop awaiting 'further investigation' and Small Dvd already installed. I'd previously glanced at ProjectX which seemed to involve compiling source code etc. ..a bit too complicated for me at present, but on your advice had another look at it, this time via the Doom9.net site and found there was a regular GUI version which makes it seem fairly straightforward. For the benefit of other Mac sufferers I'll include the link here ..


I presume the nuts and bolts of the App itself is the .jar file ? ..something else I am unfamiliar with (!) Thanks again for your time. I'll let you know how I get on.
It's a while since I got my copy of ProjectX [2009 I think] but I had problems trying to get it to work. Back then the Doom9 pre-compiled copy did not work for me. I came a cross a version at http://www.oozoon.de that did work.
[The link in the tutorial has changed to http://www.oozoon.de/tag/tools-projectx/ ]

If i remember rightly it unzips to a folder with a few bits and pieces in it and one of them is named something like ProjectX-v0.90.04.00.b32-20091031.jar.
In my Apps folder I manually created a new folder and called it Java apps. I then put the ProjectX folder into that Java apps folder [and any other Java based apps I get!]. Double click on the .jar and it should open up.

ProjectX looks very complicated but for this purpose its quite easy. Just drag the .ts file to bottom section of the ProjectX window [the bit with lines and Filename, Location headings.] The .ts should load up. then hit the "Quick Start Button" on the top left left and after a minute or so of activity it should be done.

In the directory where your .ts was you'll have some new files. For BBC programs you'll have 2 audio and a subtitle, a video and maybe a teletext file.

There will also be a a text file with some info on the ProjectX result. I usually take a quick read of this just to confirm that I'm choosing the main (English) audio track instead of the visually impaired Narrative audio track. 99% of the time the Narrative track ends in -02.mp2 but I have come across [very rarely] the main audio track as the 02.mp2.

All you'll need is the .m2v and the .mp2. You can delete the rest. Then load them up in Avidemux and your set.

The only downside is ProjectX only works with SD .ts files.

Oh yeah, once you have remuxed and saved your new .mpg file in Avidemux close the active file [CMD+W] and reload your new .mpg file before doing any edits.

Oh and another tip for Avidemux when you have your edit point decided you need to then make sure its on a certain type of frame (I think its called a "B" frame, you can only cut on B frames.) To do that click the >> or the << to the left of the red A at the bottom of the window and then select your edit point. You can fine tune your edit point by repeatedly clicking on >> or <<
It's a while since I got my copy of ProjectX [2009 I think] but I had problems trying to get it to work. Back then the Doom9 pre-compiled copy did not work for me. I came a cross a version at http://www.oozoon.de that did work.
[The link in the tutorial has changed to http://www.oozoon.de/tag/tools-projectx/ ]

If i remember rightly it unzips to a folder with a few bits and pieces in it and one of them is named something like ProjectX-v0.90.04.00.b32-20091031.jar.
In my Apps folder I manually created a new folder and called it Java apps. I then put the ProjectX folder into that Java apps folder [and any other Java based apps I get!]. Double click on the .jar and it should open up.

ProjectX looks very complicated but for this purpose its quite easy. Just drag the .ts file to bottom section of the ProjectX window [the bit with lines and Filename, Location headings.] The .ts should load up. then hit the "Quick Start Button" on the top left left and after a minute or so of activity it should be done.

In the directory where your .ts was you'll have some new files. For BBC programs you'll have 2 audio and a subtitle, a video and maybe a teletext file.

There will also be a a text file with some info on the ProjectX result. I usually take a quick read of this just to confirm that I'm choosing the main (English) audio track instead of the visually impaired Narrative audio track. 99% of the time the Narrative track ends in -02.mp2 but I have come across [very rarely] the main audio track as the 02.mp2.

All you'll need is the .m2v and the .mp2. You can delete the rest. Then load them up in Avidemux and your set.

The only downside is ProjectX only works with SD .ts files.

Oh yeah, once you have remuxed and saved your new .mpg file in Avidemux close the active file [CMD+W] and reload your new .mpg file before doing any edits.

Oh and another tip for Avidemux when you have your edit point decided you need to then make sure its on a certain type of frame (I think its called a "B" frame, you can only cut on B frames.) To do that click the >> or the << to the left of the red A at the bottom of the window and then select your edit point. You can fine tune your edit point by repeatedly clicking on >> or <<
Hi Get Go,
Problems solved! Like you said, couldn't be simpler. I'd been through all the exact same preliminary stages and hassle you described in your posts. I just needed the nudge towards ProjectX and that's solved the problem. I hadn't realised how quickly the demuxing and remuxing process was and so had been inclined to steer clear of it. I can't thank you enough for the detailed and comprehensive information you provided which was way beyond anything I'd expected.
Sorry for delay in replying ...been tied up with family stuff for the past couple of days.