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My pc won't recognize my foxsat-hdr


New Member
Hi all this is my first post so excuse all errors.
I have a foxsat hdr & I'm trying to connect to my pc ( bt home hub 3 router). I've downloaded and installed
Raydons software for the hdr.
I have Filezilla, my problem is after installing, my pc dose not recognize
The hdr in my network . I know this is very vague but any suggestions to get me on the right trackwould be
Greatly appreciated .
It looks so easy following the online instructions, and this to some people will be a schoolboy error.
But i'm just stuck, could it be the router
Tryin to be funny!!
You first need to confirm that your HDR is actually connected to the network. Can you connect to the BBC iPlayer service via the red button from a BBC channel ?. If you can that's a good start. Go into the HDR's network settings and check that your router has given it an IP address. This will be or somthing similar. Make a note of this number and enter it as the Host in FileZilla. Username is HumaxFTP and Password is 0000, Port is 21. Hit the Quickconnect button and you should be there.
Thankyou very much Raydon,
I'm on to the next step now ( all be it slowly). now it's time to learn how move files to and from the Humax .
Thanks again
All sorted, converted and successfully sent my 1st movie to the
Hummy HDR ..
Thanks Raydon for the firmware&
Works great