Hi all this is my first post so excuse all errors.
I have a foxsat hdr & I'm trying to connect to my pc ( bt home hub 3 router). I've downloaded and installed
Raydons software for the hdr.
I have Filezilla, my problem is after installing, my pc dose not recognize
The hdr in my network . I know this is very vague but any suggestions to get me on the right trackwould be
Greatly appreciated .
It looks so easy following the online instructions, and this to some people will be a schoolboy error.
But i'm just stuck, could it be the router
Tryin to be funny!!
I have a foxsat hdr & I'm trying to connect to my pc ( bt home hub 3 router). I've downloaded and installed
Raydons software for the hdr.
I have Filezilla, my problem is after installing, my pc dose not recognize
The hdr in my network . I know this is very vague but any suggestions to get me on the right trackwould be
Greatly appreciated .
It looks so easy following the online instructions, and this to some people will be a schoolboy error.
But i'm just stuck, could it be the router
Tryin to be funny!!