• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

Network server fails playing after 8 mins. every time.

I would have thought the BTHub5 was Auto MDI-X capable. As for the Cable? I'll try a different one and see. Later.
Hi everybody, Made the time to do a thorough check, changed everything. Cables, Hub etc. found the problem. Just changed one of the cables. It must be faulty some how, looks perfect, changed for an identical looking one. Not the Hub. Anyways thanks folks for all your suggestions.
Are the Humax ethernet ports of the type which will not care about whether the connecting cable is twisted or not?
Yes - they auto-sense.

I don't know whether just connecting the Humii directly would work. I might try it out later...
It does!

1. Connect the Ethernet ports with a Cat5 with standard pinout (twisted or not twisted);

2. Configure LAN as manual, with the same subnet address but different IP addresses.

That's it. Both DLNA and SMB work fine.

Now to check out a loop-back jack for custom decryption...