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New Custom Portal won't install

Status: install user not-installed

This is the section that seemed to cause the problem with me and after removing any entries with this it worked OK afterwards

Make a backup first though
I still wonder what it's getting upset about and why though. If anyone has the time and the inclination, it might be interesting to find out which combinations of the above 3 items causes it to barf. That's 8 edits and 8 tests though...

I have run the diagnostic remove_portals:

>>> Beginning diagnostic remove_portals Running: remove_portals Removing custom-portal (if installed) No packages removed. Removing portal-xtra1 (if installed) No packages removed. Removing new-portal (if installed) No packages removed. Removing any orphaned files from flash. >>> Ending diagnostic remove_portals

I am willing to try the 8 edits to determine the cause if you would be good enough to guide me.
It's a matter of removing/reintroducing each of the sections mentioned up-thread in turn (assuming your file has the same sections present) and seeing whether that has any effect on whether you can install the new-portal or not. You need to keep a master copy of the file to work from and draw yourself a truth-table for what you're doing and what the results are (8 rows and 4 columns (3 for section present/absent and 1 for results)). The object of the exercise is to find out which sections(s) is/are responsible for the failure. Order of edits/tests is left as an exercise for the reader!
Wife has had a heart attack 2 weeks ago, just bought and setting up a smart tv, xmas here, new year guests, so maybe a little later. ;-)