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New Firmware E-ID error


When I try to load up the new firmware the front panel just says E-ID and the tv says there is an error and refuses to load the 1.02.20 firmware. Any ideas?

I am currently running beta software but I don't see why that would cause a problem.
If you've been running beta software then your system ID will have changed. The new software is set up so that it only applies to machines with a particular system ID and the E ID error is because there is a mismatch. According to posts over at myhumax, Humax should have emailed you a HDF file to reset your system ID if you're on the official beta programme. If not, I'd suggest emailing them. It is possible to roll your own HDF using humidify but probably better to try the official route first,
Can cnfirm that michael from humax emailed me about this. Maybe check yr junk mail flder or has yr addy changed?
I have the new system_id file but I can't get it onto the system, should I rename it to hdr_fox_t2_upgrade.hdf? That would seem a bit strange as it is not the normal firmware and am reluctatnt to do it without instruction. I don't want to risk overwriting something I shouldn't. I've emailed Michael but woiuld like to upgrade earlier if possible as I'm now behind the curve :(
I have the new system_id file but I can't get it onto the system, should I rename it to hdr_fox_t2_upgrade.hdf? That would seem a bit strange as it is not the normal firmware and am reluctatnt to do it without instruction. I don't want to risk overwriting something I shouldn't. I've emailed Michael but woiuld like to upgrade earlier if possible as I'm now behind the curve :(

Yes, rename it to the standard upgrade filename and you should be fine.