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Newbee Simple install request


New Member
I have both a Foxsat HDR & HDR FOX T2. Having dumped Sky I moved to Humax but the front end is dissapointing in comparison with no remote recording.
I see that the hacks seem to in some way overcome some issues. My questions therefore are:
With the FOX T2 there are full instructions at the top of the forum for the update however no such information exists on the Foxsat HDR Freesats forum, perhaps im missing something.
Also I have found this a detailed setup by Raydon on AVForums, What is this, is it the freesats equivalent, if so why is'nt it here?

Many thanks - All installed. One more question. I want to install remote recording and understand I need to install the RS package but after half an hour of trawlling can't find instructions on how to do. Presumably I have to telnet to the box then upoload and run some how. Any help appreciated..
Many thanks - All installed. One more question. I want to install remote recording and understand I need to install the RS package but after half an hour of trawlling can't find instructions on how to do. Presumably I have to telnet to the box then upoload and run some how. Any help appreciated..

Instructions in the download.txt files. No need to telnet you can install everything from the web interface , you have to use port forwarding on your router and if your isp uses dynamic ip address allocation you need to install inadyn and use a dynamic dns address service. (I use dnsdynamic).
Maybe i'm being stupid I don't see a download.txt file I have a readme.txt but there's no instructions there. I have managed to get to the box via the ip address and explore the various available installs but I assume I need to install others from the hummypkgs page inc RS and webif-iphone these are not available from the package management page. Thanks for help
Maybe i'm being stupid I don't see a download.txt file I have a readme.txt but there's no instructions there. I have managed to get to the box via the ip address and explore the various available installs but I assume I need to install others from the hummypkgs page inc RS and webif-iphone these are not available from the package management page. Thanks for help

Came with my download. Repeated here. The only extra package I needed was Inadyn

Hi , Sorry think we're at cross purposes - I did'nt get that and it is useful anyway. I am trying to install the package RS on the hummypkg page (due to not having 10 posts I cant put in the url) that then gives me access to the Remote scheduling page. So the question is how do I install RS?
The easiest way is if you have access to the web interface on the Humax (by pointing a web browser at its IP address). Select Package Management then the Available tab and click the Install button alongside the remote scheduling package. Once installed, you can register your box with the RS site from the web interface settings page.

It can also be done via telnet:

humax# opkg install rs
humax# rs register <your email address>

If you haven't already seen it, take a look at the Wiki pages for remote scheduling at http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Remote_Scheduling

(I think the confusion arises from this discussion being under the Foxsat area of the forum - I know you originally had questions about both boxes).
Hi , Sorry think we're at cross purposes - I did'nt get that and it is useful anyway. I am trying to install the package RS on the hummypkg page (due to not having 10 posts I cant put in the url) that then gives me access to the Remote scheduling page. So the question is how do I install RS?

Assumed you were trying to install custom firmware on a Foxsat-hdr as per the thread title.
Thanks for advice, I am still referring to the Foxsat HDR, though apologies for confusion. This NOW is about installing RS probably should be posted elswhere.
THe RS package is NOT available in the "select package" area, it also wont install via Telnet. I assume I have to download and copy into a directory on the box somewhere first, but no idea how and cant find the answer. Thanks
Is there an ability to remotely schedule recording on a smartphone (iphone) seems the freeview box has this.

Never tried it but anything that has a web browser should work. If given my url, user name and password anyone with a web browser would be able to log in. (Before you ask I'm not going to reveal these :) )
Yeah sure you can access via the URL but formatting makes use almost pointless.

I haven't a clue what you mean ? I can access my Foxstat from anywhere in the world, display the current epg, set recordings, delete recordings in fact anything you can do with a remote contol in front of the actual box.

The small remote control works fine on netbook and on my wifes smart phone.


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