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No access to media section.


New Member
Hi I have a humax hdr 1800t which I've had a few years. Got up this morning to find that we cannot pause TV. access the media file or data storage in system file.
it was working perfectly last night as we watching few recordings which we deleted after..
I have loads of films/programmes to watch and stuff to tape this weekend for family and cant seem to access it at all.
can anyone help please.
First port of call = place the unit in standby, wait for 60 seconds, then disconnect it from the mains supply for a few minutes and re-connect
can anyone help please.
Probably not. It very much sounds like the HDD in your 1800T has failed, or at least has become corrupted, so (without custom firmware being available for the 1800T) your only options are to: try reformatting the drive from the menus (which, of course, will mean you lose all your existing recordings); take the drive out and try to recover the file system using a PC running Linux; fit a new drive and hope that the contents of the old drive can be recovered later.

Whatever you do there is a distinct possibility you will end up having to replace the drive in the end anyway, so my choice would be to take the old drive out and keep it safe in hope. The recordings on it are encrypted (locked so only the original recorder can play them), but there might be a way around that.

There is also a slight possibility it is not the drive or file system at fault at all, and actually the fault is in the rest of the 1800T. However, the first step is to assume the problem is with the HDD. The alternative is to cut your losses and buy a whole new recorder. It's only telly.
If it was me, I might give factory reset a go first (without HDD format). Then I would attempt network access via ftp to see if I can look at the HDD contents. That may open up the possibilty of saving some of the recordings. Reformat the HDD and return the recordings to it. Highly unlikely to work, but may be worth a try.
The recordings on it are encrypted (locked so only the original recorder can play them), but there might be a way around that.
Not that I've found yet!
I sometimes lose access to the hard disk on my HDR2000T, especially after it's been unplugged. Try this if you haven't already.

1 Unplug the recorder at the mains (note, the dc plug/socket contact can become unreliable if the plug is repeatedly taken out/pushed in).

2. Switch on your tv so you can see the Humax Loader screen on startup.

3. Plug in the power supply (assuming it's already plugged into the back of the Humax). You should get the Humax Loader screen as the software starts up and eventually the tv picture should come on. Check to see if media access is available from the hard disk; if not, put the Humax into standby using the remote and wait 2 minutes.

4. Use the remote to turn on the Humax again. You should see the Humax loader screen again and shortly afterwards you should hear the hard disk spin up. Wait until the tv picture comes on the try the media again. On my HDR2000T, when the power is first plugged in the software doesn't seem to fully load but switching to standby then back on seems to correct this and the disk can then be accessed.

Hope this helps; if not it sounds like a major failure of either the disk or elsewhere in the disk system. Smaller Humax disks are available on ebay for less than £10.00 and are easy to fit, needing just a Philips screwdriver.
On my HDR2000T, when the power is first plugged in the software doesn't seem to fully load but switching to standby then back on seems to correct this and the disk can then be accessed.
If my Humax crashes I usually press the front panel "on" button for about five seconds to reboot it. I mention this only because it often (re)boots and then goes into standby. In other words, it behaves just like yours on first power up. Bug or feature?

Big thanks to batteryman. I found this thread while about to post myself the same problem as the OP, in my case after two brief power cuts in quick succession. His procedure seems to have got normal working back again.

BTW. What does the hard drive test from Menu>Settings>System>Data Storage do and is it safe to existing recordings? I'm thinking of it because if this was a PC I'd be looking to do a Chkdsk or Fsck depending on OS after an anomaly like this and wandered if this is a Humax equivalent.

Thanks again
I wouldn't bother testing the disk unless you have a problem. From what I've heard the Humax test routine is very basic. Best way to test is to remove the disk, install it in a PC and use manufacturer's test software such as Seagate Seatools or Western Digital Data Lifeguard. To be safe back up any recorded programs you don't want to lose to a usb device; it's a slow process and I usually do it overnight.
I'll leave well alone while all's working OK. My problem was after a power interuption so I hope was just the OS/file sys driver got corrupted as it seams to be alright now after a reboot.

Thanks again