ntfs-3g works well ... but not always at boot-up


The Humax app. initially mounts the (external NTFS) drive using the standard read only ntfs driver. The ntfs-3g package then takes over and unmounts the drive before remounting it with the ntfs-3g driver.

ntfs-3g is an excellent thing, very, very useful ... but for about the last two months it has been working less reliably for me.

It used to work perfectly about 98% of the time but recently its failing a lot more often at new start-up point. About 50% of the time it doesn't 'click in' somehow at boot-up, so the NTFS disk drive attached by USB stays as read only, and appears as 'drive1' or its name. However long I wait, it doesn't change to 'usb1' or 'usb2' with read/write functionality ... can't move things, can't rename files etc.

If I unplug the USB connection, wait 15 seconds and plug it in again, it usually fixes it - ntfs-3g 'clicks in' and read/write becomes possible, and once it is set up, it stays working.
So I do have a workaround for the issue, but it means that the disk drive cable, which used to be neatly tucked away behind the HDR, plugged in at the back and hidden, is now plugged in to the front panel USB connection, as it needs to be accessed often - not a disaster, but more vulnerable to 'little hands', paws or teeth ... :rolleyes:

So I have been trying to figure it out. I have tested on two different HDRs, with several different USB disk drives, read through the forum for suggestions, I have removed and re-installed ntfs-3g, have upgraded to official version 1.02.32 and custom version 2.21 - but so far the issue remains. ntfs-3g works ... but not always at boot-up.

Any thoughts, advice gratefully received.
The contents of rag.log following a boot where the disk remained read-only would help diagnosis.
The contents of rag.log following a boot where the disk remained read-only would help diagnosis.

Herewith, for BoxA: (this is a straight cut and paste - sorry, don't know how to make it appear more nicely) Edited: first log post now with Code formatting and have added in hundreds of line breaks ...
NB: this HDR has the original version of virtual disk installed
>>> Contents of /var/log/rag.log 10.49 KiB ---------
Info for Modinit PID 372 ---------
372: Date: Sat Jan 1 00:00:08 GMT 2000
372: MDEV: sda1
372: ACTION: add
372: Model: HDR
372: Device: /dev/sda1
372: Disk: sda
372:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for disk to become ready...
372:01/01/2000 00:00: disk ready after 0 seconds
372:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3
372:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable.
372:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for the disk to mount...
372:01/01/2000 00:00: still waiting...
372:01/01/2000 00:00: still waiting...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 545 ---------
545: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:22:00 GMT 2014
545: MDEV: sdb1
545: ACTION: add
545: Model: HDR
545: Device: /dev/sdb1
545: Disk: sdb
545:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for disk to become ready...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: disk ready after 0 seconds
545:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb1 is formatted as ext2/3
545:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb1 is NOT removable.
545:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for the disk to mount...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 546 ---------
546: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:22:00 GMT 2014
546: MDEV: sdb2
546: ACTION: add
546: Model: HDR
546: Device: /dev/sdb2
546: Disk: sdb
--------- Info for Modinit PID 542 ---------
542: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:22:00 GMT 2014
542: MDEV: sdb3
542: ACTION: add
542: Model: HDR
542: Device: /dev/sdb3
542: Disk: sdb
546:16/01/2014 14:22: sdb2 is candidate for mod [/mnt/hd2]
542:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for disk to become ready...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for disk to become ready...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: disk ready after 0 seconds
542:16/01/2014 14:22: disk ready after 0 seconds
546:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb2 is formatted as ext2/3
546:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb2 is NOT removable.
546:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for the disk to mount...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb3 is formatted as ext2/3
542:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb3 is NOT removable.
542:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for the disk to mount...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb1 mounted on /mnt/hd1
545:16/01/2014 14:22: mounted after 0 seconds.
545:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for modinit to complete.
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1
372:16/01/2014 14:22: mounted after 2 seconds.
372:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for modinit to complete.
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb2 mounted on /mnt/hd2
542:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdb3 mounted on /mnt/hd3
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: mounted after 4 seconds.
542:16/01/2014 14:22: mounted after 4 seconds.
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
546:16/01/2014 14:22: +++ Running modinit +++
542:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for modinit to complete.
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 545:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
545:16/01/2014 14:23: timeout, aborting.
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
372:16/01/2014 14:23: timeout, aborting.
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting... 542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:23: still waiting...
542:16/01/2014 14:23: timeout, aborting.
546:16/01/2014 14:23: +++ Modinit complete +++
546:16/01/2014 14:23: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
The contents of rag.log following a boot where the disk remained read-only would help diagnosis.

Herewith for BoxB:
(This HDR has virtual-disk 2 installed)
>>> Contents of /var/log/rag.log 6.54 KiB --------- Info for Modinit PID 459 --------- 459: Date: Sat Jan 1 00:00:11 GMT 2000 459: MDEV: sda1 459: ACTION: add 459: Model: HDR 459: Device: /dev/sda1 459: Disk: sda 459:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for disk to become ready... 459:01/01/2000 00:00: disk ready after 0 seconds 459:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3 459:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable. 459:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for the disk to mount... --------- Info for Modinit PID 556 --------- 556: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:21:10 GMT 2014 556: MDEV: sdb1 556: ACTION: add 556: Model: HDR 556: Device: /dev/sdb1 556: Disk: sdb 556:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for disk to become ready... --------- Info for Modinit PID 560 --------- 560: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:21:10 GMT 2014 560: MDEV: sdb2 560: ACTION: add 560: Model: HDR 560: Device: /dev/sdb2 560: Disk: sdb --------- Info for Modinit PID 563 --------- 563: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:21:10 GMT 2014 563: MDEV: sdb3 563: ACTION: add 563: Model: HDR 563: Device: /dev/sdb3 563: Disk: sdb 560:16/01/2014 14:21: sdb2 is candidate for mod [/mnt/hd2] 560:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for disk to become ready... 560:16/01/2014 14:21: disk ready after 0 seconds 560:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb2 is formatted as ext2/3 563:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for disk to become ready... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: disk ready after 0 seconds 560:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb2 is NOT removable. 556:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb1 is formatted as ext2/3 560:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for the disk to mount... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb1 is NOT removable. 563:16/01/2014 14:21: disk ready after 0 seconds 556:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for the disk to mount... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb3 is formatted as ext2/3 563:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb3 is NOT removable. 563:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for the disk to mount... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb1 mounted on /mnt/hd1 560:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb2 mounted on /mnt/hd2 459:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1 563:16/01/2014 14:21: /dev/sdb3 mounted on /mnt/hd3 556:16/01/2014 14:21: mounted after 0 seconds. 560:16/01/2014 14:21: mounted after 0 seconds. 459:16/01/2014 14:21: mounted after 0 seconds. 563:16/01/2014 14:21: mounted after 0 seconds. 560:16/01/2014 14:21: +++ Running modinit +++ 556:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for modinit to complete. 563:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for modinit to complete. 459:16/01/2014 14:21: Waiting for modinit to complete. 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:21: still waiting... --------- Info for Modinit PID 1490 --------- 1490: Date: Thu Jan 16 14:22:00 GMT 2014 1490: MDEV: sdc1 1490: ACTION: add 1490: Model: HDR 1490: Device: /dev/sdc1 1490: Disk: sdc 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for disk to become ready... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: disk ready after 0 seconds 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdc1 is formatted as ext2/3 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdc1 is NOT removable. 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: Waiting for the disk to mount... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 459:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 556:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 563:16/01/2014 14:22: still waiting... 560:16/01/2014 14:22: +++ Modinit complete +++ 560:16/01/2014 14:22: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan. 556:16/01/2014 14:22: completed after 23 seconds. 459:16/01/2014 14:22: completed after 23 seconds. 556:16/01/2014 14:22: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan. 1820: fuse filesystem is available umount: can't umount /media/drive1: Device or resource busy 563:16/01/2014 14:22: completed after 24 seconds. 459:16/01/2014 14:22: sda: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan. 563:16/01/2014 14:22: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan. 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: /dev/sdc1 mounted on /media/drive2 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: mounted after 0 seconds. 1490:16/01/2014 14:22: sdc: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
Paste inside [code]...[/code] tags! At the top of the page see Help... BB Codes.
Thank you BH!
And I see someone has added this to my first log post now.

(Actually, I did consult the Help page whilst making the log posts, and tried the Code format on my log text, but when checking the result in Preview - all the text went off to the right in a continuous stream which seemed, to me, even more difficult to read - so I took the Code formatting off and posted as it stood. :)
There don't seem to be any line breaks in the data, so the code frame displays it as one long line. A bit of manipulation in a text editor first (adding a line break before every time stamp, for example) would solve it.
This is the relevant line:

[SIZE=2][FONT=courier new]fuse filesystem is available umount: can't umount /media/drive1: Device or resource busy[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=courier new]

When the ntfs-3g package tries to unmount the read-only drive it finds that it is busy. I wonder what is using it at that point? It should be possible to add some code to the ntfs-3g package to show what is using it and maybe try and unmount it a few times in case it is transient. Ultimately it could forcibly unmount it but that could cause other problems...
This is the relevant line:

fuse filesystem is available umount: can't umount /media/drive1: Device or resource busy

When the ntfs-3g package tries to unmount the read-only drive it finds that it is busy. I wonder what is using it at that point? It should be possible to add some code to the ntfs-3g package to show what is using it and maybe try and unmount it a few times in case it is transient. Ultimately it could forcibly unmount it but that could cause other problems...

Thank you af123.
Not sure what is using it at that point either.

(My first thought was 'mvdisks', but it's BoxA that has mvdisks installed and that line doesn't seem to appear in the log for BoxA (first log)
That line appears in the log for BoxB (second log) but BoxB doesn't have mvdisks installed. So it can't be mvdisks ... :confused:
If you would to find out what is using the mount point, it can be done by editing '/mod/etc/mdev/ntfs-3g'. Insert 'lsof $mp' immediately before the first umount command, then re-run the tests and look at rag.log. My money is on the humaxtv process. ;)
If you would to find out what is using the mount point, it can be done by editing '/mod/etc/mdev/ntfs-3g'. Insert 'lsof $mp' immediately before the first umount command, then re-run the tests and look at rag.log. My money is on the humaxtv process. ;)

Thank you xyz!
I will give it a go.

Haven't tried doing anything like that before ... but I will emulate the capuchin monkeys featured in last night's episode of Wild Brazil on BBC2 who survive due to their "insatiable curiousity and ability to learn from others"! (If you didn't see it, then iPlayer the third prog and watch the last ten minutes for a wonderful demonstration :)
OK. I guessed the following: to Web-if, Diagnostics page, then 'File Editor', then 'Open', then navigate folder structure to find mod/etc/mdev/ntfs-3g. I added in the code provided, as follows.
But do I need a line break?

if mount -t ntfs | grep -q "^$device on $mp" ; then
grep -q fuse /proc/filesystems || exit 0
echo "$$: fuse filesystem is available"
[ -x /mod/bin/ntfs-3g ] || exit 1
lsof $mp umount $mp || exit 1
mkdir -p "$mpu"
echo "$$: Mounting $mpu using ntfs-3g"
/mod/bin/ntfs-3g $device $mpu || exit 1
rmdir $mp


Thank you prpr.

OK. New attempt:


case "$ACTION" in
if mount -t ntfs | grep -q "^$device on $mp" ; then
grep -q fuse /proc/filesystems || exit 0
echo "$$: fuse filesystem is available"
[ -x /mod/bin/ntfs-3g ] || exit 1
lsof $mp
umount $mp || exit 1
mkdir -p "$mpu"
echo "$$: Mounting $mpu using ntfs-3g"
/mod/bin/ntfs-3g $device $mpu || exit 1
rmdir $mp


Is that right?

(Using the 'Return' key to add a new line seemed to mess up the indented layout of the original ... so I copied and pasted an existing line and changed the text instead, to ensure it looked the same ... is the indentation important? if so ... how should the indent be created? )
ntfs-3g still not working at boot-up.

Herewith log of new tests with code added as instructed to both mod/etc/mdev/ntfs-3g files.

rag.log for BoxA (which has mvdisks and original virtual disk installed)
(I've added line breaks to most of the text :( )
>>> Contents of /var/log/rag.log 10.65 KiB
--------- Info for Modinit PID 373 ---------
373: Date: Sat Jan 1 00:00:08 GMT 2000
373: MDEV: sda1
373: ACTION: add
373: Model: HDR
373: Device: /dev/sda1
373: Disk: sda
373:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for disk to become ready...
373:01/01/2000 00:00: disk ready after 0 seconds
373:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3
373:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable.
373:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for the disk to mount...
373:01/01/2000 00:00: still waiting...
373:01/01/2000 00:00: still waiting...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 552 ---------
552: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:58 GMT 2014
552: MDEV: sdb3
552: ACTION: add
552: Model: HDR
552: Device: /dev/sdb3
552: Disk: sdb
--------- Info for Modinit PID 541 ---------
541: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:58 GMT 2014
541: MDEV: sdb1
541: ACTION: add
541: Model: HDR
541: Device: /dev/sdb1
541: Disk: sdb
541:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 540 ---------
540: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:58 GMT 2014
540: MDEV: sdb2
540: ACTION: add
540: Model: HDR
540: Device: /dev/sdb2
540: Disk: sdb
540:17/01/2014 17:04: sdb2 is candidate for mod [/mnt/hd2]
541:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
540:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
552:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
541:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb1 is formatted as ext2/3
540:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
552:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
540:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb2 is formatted as ext2/3
540:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb2 is NOT removable.
540:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
552:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb3 is formatted as ext2/3
541:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb1 is NOT removable.
552:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb3 is NOT removable.
552:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
541:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1
541:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb1 mounted on /mnt/hd1
541:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
373:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 2 seconds.
541:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb3 mounted on /mnt/hd3
552:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 6 seconds.
552:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb2 mounted on /mnt/hd2
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
540:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 6 seconds.
540:17/01/2014 17:05: +++ Running modinit +++
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
541:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
373:17/01/2014 17:06: timeout, aborting.
541:17/01/2014 17:06: timeout, aborting.
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: still waiting...
552:17/01/2014 17:06: timeout, aborting.
540:17/01/2014 17:06: +++ Modinit complete +++
540:17/01/2014 17:06: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.

rag.log for BoxB (which has virtual-disk2 installed but does not have mvdisks installed)
(Again I've added line breaks to most of the text :( :( )
>>> Contents of /var/log/rag.log 5.70 KiB
--------- Info for Modinit PID 411 ---------
411: Date: Sat Jan 1 00:00:10 GMT 2000
411: MDEV: sda1
411: ACTION: add
411: Model: HDR
411: Device: /dev/sda1
411: Disk: sda
411:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for disk to become ready...
411:01/01/2000 00:00: disk ready after 0 seconds
411:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3
411:01/01/2000 00:00: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable.
411:01/01/2000 00:00: Waiting for the disk to mount...
411:01/01/2000 00:00: still waiting...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 548 ---------
548: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:51 GMT 2014
548: MDEV: sdb3
548: ACTION: add
548: Model: HDR
548: Device: /dev/sdb3
548: Disk: sdb
--------- Info for Modinit PID 551 ---------
551: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:51 GMT 2014
551: MDEV: sdb2
551: ACTION: add
551: Model: HDR
551: Device: /dev/sdb2
551: Disk: sdb
--------- Info for Modinit PID 558 ---------
558: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:04:51 GMT 2014
558: MDEV: sdb1
558: ACTION: add
558: Model: HDR
558: Device: /dev/sdb1
558: Disk: sdb
558:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
548:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
551:17/01/2014 17:04: sdb2 is candidate for mod [/mnt/hd2]
551:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for disk to become ready...
551:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
551:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb2 is formatted as ext2/3
551:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb2 is NOT removable.
558:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
551:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
548:17/01/2014 17:04: disk ready after 0 seconds
558:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb1 is formatted as ext2/3
558:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb1 is NOT removable.
548:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb3 is formatted as ext2/3
558:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
548:17/01/2014 17:04: /dev/sdb3 is NOT removable.
548:17/01/2014 17:04: Waiting for the disk to mount...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb3 mounted on /mnt/hd3
411:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1
551:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb2 mounted on /mnt/hd2
558:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdb1 mounted on /mnt/hd1
411:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 1 second.
548:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
551:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
411:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
551:17/01/2014 17:05: +++ Running modinit +++
548:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for modinit to complete.
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
--------- Info for Modinit PID 1454 ---------
1454: Date: Fri Jan 17 17:05:32 GMT 2014
1454: MDEV: sdc1
1454: ACTION: add
1454: Model: HDR
1454: Device: /dev/sdc1
1454: Disk: sdc
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for disk to become ready...
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: disk ready after 0 seconds
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdc1 is formatted as ext2/3
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdc1 is NOT removable.
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: Waiting for the disk to mount...
411:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
558:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
551:17/01/2014 17:05: +++ Modinit complete +++
411:17/01/2014 17:05: completed after 16 seconds.
1568: fuse filesystem is available
551:17/01/2014 17:05: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
548:17/01/2014 17:05: completed after 16 seconds.
548:17/01/2014 17:05: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
umount: can't umount /media/drive1: Device or resource busy
411:17/01/2014 17:05: sda: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
558:17/01/2014 17:05: completed after 16 seconds.
558:17/01/2014 17:05: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: /dev/sdc1 mounted on /media/drive2
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: sdc: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
rag.log for BoxA (which has mvdisks and original virtual disk installed)
(I've added line breaks to most of the text :( )

rag.log for BoxB (which has virtual-disk2 installed but does not have mvdisks installed)
(Again I've added line breaks to most of the text :( :( )
I have added line breaks to the rest of the text for you.:)
To complete the picture ... here are the logs for the results of unplugging, waiting a bit and re-connecting the external NTFS drives whilst the HDRs are up and running - i.e. when ntfs-3g does work successfully. (Though for BoxA the cable had to be reconnected twice before the drive was recognised)

end of current rag.log for BoxA (which has mvdisks and original virtual disk installed)
(I've added line breaks to ALL of the text this time :oops: )
as above
540:17/01/2014 17:06: sdb: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
--------- Info for Modinit PID 4932 ---------
4932: Date: Fri Jan 17 20:03:23 GMT 2014
4932: MDEV: sda1
4932: ACTION: remove
4932: Model: HDR
4932: Device: /dev/sda1
4932: Disk: sda
--------- Info for Modinit PID 5533 ---------
5533: Date: Fri Jan 17 20:05:25 GMT 2014
5533: MDEV: sda1
5533: ACTION: add
5533: Model: HDR
5533: Device: /dev/sda1
5533: Disk: sda
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: Waiting for disk to become ready...
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: disk ready after 0 seconds
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable.
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: Waiting for the disk to mount...
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: mounted after 0 seconds.
5623: fuse filesystem is available
5623: Mounting /media/usb-drive1 using ntfs-3g
mkdir: can't create directory '/media/My Video/usb-drive1': File exists
5533:17/01/2014 20:05: sda: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.

end of current rag.log for BoxB (which has virtual-disk2 installed but does not have mvdisks installed)
as above ...
548:17/01/2014 17:05: still waiting...
1454:17/01/2014 17:05: sdc: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.
--------- Info for Modinit PID 19920 ---------
19920: Date: Fri Jan 17 19:58:08 GMT 2014
19920: MDEV: sda1
19920: ACTION: remove
19920: Model: HDR
19920: Device: /dev/sda1
19920: Disk: sda
--------- Info for Modinit PID 20575 ---------
20575: Date: Fri Jan 17 19:58:57 GMT 2014
20575: MDEV: sda1
20575: ACTION: add
20575: Model: HDR
20575: Device: /dev/sda1
20575: Disk: sda
20575:17/01/2014 19:58: Waiting for disk to become ready...
20575:17/01/2014 19:58: disk ready after 0 seconds
20575:17/01/2014 19:58: /dev/sda1 is NOT formatted as ext2/3
20575:17/01/2014 19:58: /dev/sda1 is NOT removable.
20575:17/01/2014 19:58: Waiting for the disk to mount...
20575:17/01/2014 19:59: /dev/sda1 mounted on /media/drive1
20575:17/01/2014 19:59: mounted after 0 seconds.
21008: fuse filesystem is available
21008: Mounting /media/usb-drive1 using ntfs-3g
20575:17/01/2014 19:59: sda: Non-removable disk, skipping package scan.