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On occasions losing end of recorded programme


On two occasions recently I have lost the end of recorded programmes.
I have the setting for "End Programme Pad" set for the maximum of 10 minutes.
Is this a known fault or was it caused by the channels changing the programme times slightly?
I'm not using Customised Software, the version in the machine being HFTCP 1.03.12
Thanks in advance for help
On two occasions recently I have lost the end of recorded programmes.
I have the setting for "End Programme Pad" set for the maximum of 10 minutes.
Can you give specific examples of the program, channel, date and time? We don't use any padding so Accurate Recording is used and for the programs we record this works very well. It is not infallible but neither (as you have found out) is padding.
On two occasions recently I have lost the end of recorded programmes.
Did they start recording at your programmed time? If so, it appears that your padding is not working for some reason or another unless the programme over-ran.
Can you confirm that you are using an HDR-Fox-T2, as that's where you have posted. (It's always best to restate the obvious, as some people have been known to post in the wrong section of the forum)
See Things Every... (click) section 3, and follow the link to further discussion.

If auto-padding fails it is usually because the programme exceeded its stated EPG times by greater than the padding amount, but check the recorded duration against the expected duration of the broadcast: if the duration indicates no padding has been applied, you have probably inadvertently converted the auto-padding recording to a manual timer recording - paragraph 4 in the above reference.

1.03.12 is a HDR-FOX firmware version.
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Sorry only scant information.
The initial instance was the film "Prisoners" I think recorded from Film 4. Please do not tell me the ending, I will wait until it's on again!
Second instance was "The Bee Gees at the BBC" recorded from BBC 4 on 21st March 2016

To answer "Trev" yes the programmes started at correct time & yes the machine is a HDR-FOX T2
Now read the information supplied by "Black Hole" & it appears there are advantages/disadvantages with using both Padding & Accurate Recording.
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start & end padding is set to 0?
Also Black Hole, why did you state that 1.03.12 is a HDR FOX Firmware? I've just checked on my machine & it says the software is HFTCP 1.03.12
I think that BH just left off the T2 for brevity, now we know we are talking about a T2.
Nah, I think this is a confusion between the meaning and use of the terms "firmware" and "software". Go read my Glossary (click). Whatever Humax might call it in the menus, as far as an engineer is concerned it's firmware.
No, it's you. And that's not necessarily what the man in the street erroneously call stuff in ROM (or whatever). He asked , by implication, if the stuff (call it what the hell you like) HFTCP 1.03.12 is the latest for his HDR-FOX-T2 and you answered for an HDR-FOX. OK they might be the same thing, but for someone who is usually a stickler for absolute literary precision in the written word, I'm surprised that you gave what could, and was interpreted as a confusing answer:).:p
Ref this part of my last post:-
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start & end padding is set to 0?
I just want to be certain that I'm not missing anything.
Ref this part of my last post:-
One thing to state the obvious on Accurate Recording, as I can't find anything in the User Manual, can I assume this is selected when both the start & end padding is set to 0?
I just want to be certain that I'm not missing anything.
Simple answer is yes, but ..

If you set both the start & end padding is set to 0 then new schedule entries set up via the epg will attempt to use Accurate Recording. But if you edit the event in the schedule then Accurate Recording for that event will be cancelled. Or if you change either start or end padding from 0 an then back to 0, all existing events in the schedule will have their Accurate Recording cancelled.
OK, I understand.
Also I just realised why the last programme I recorded was cut short.
I had recorded two consecutive programmes both with a start padding of 2 minutes & both with a end padding of 10 minutes.
On playing the programme recorded first it was cut short.
But on playing the programme recorded second the end part of the fist programme was at the start of the recording.
Obvious, the start padding took over when the second programme commenced recording!
IIRC that's not what I have found before. It's all spelt out in the reference I gave in post 4.
Me as well. The padding is ignored on consecutive recordings However, the reference you gave in post 4 does not spell this out or even mention this scenario.
If you follow the link:
Padding Priorities

1. Actual EPG programme time is recorded in preference to any padding.
2. End padding time is recorded in preference to start padding time.
3. Padding between consecutive programmes on the same service (channel) are always dropped, regardless of there being no conflict.​

AR Priorities

Where a conflict occurs, the end of the existing recording is completed before the new recording starts, thus sacrificing the beginning of the next scheduled recording - see below.​